Response to Intervention ESC Reion VI干预反应 ESC六区.ppt

Response to Intervention ESC Reion VI干预反应 ESC六区.ppt

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Response to Intervention ESC Reion VI干预反应 ESC六区

Response to Intervention: Getting Started Traci Seils Literacy/Dyslexia/MRT No Child Left Behind Scientifically based reading instruction programs in the early grades will reduce identification of children for special education services. (The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ExecutiveSummary) RtI: IDEA 2004 In December 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 provided response to intervention as a practice for identifying students with learning disabilities. RtI: IDEA 2004 Urges screening and intervention Recommends a multi-tiered intervention strategy Review monitoring and instructional practices RtI: IDEA 2004 Integrate services between general and special education 3 Tier Model Activity 3 Tier Model of Intervention (Vaughn, 2002) Implementation Getting Started Establish buy-in Form leadership team Conduct needs assessment Develop action plan Establish Buy-in Ensure strong leadership at all levels Promote RTI Convey support enthusiasm Communicate expectations Form Leadership Team Principal or AP Counselor Special Education Curriculum/General Education Reading Math Coach/Specialist Dyslexia Specialist ISS/AEP or Behavior Specialist Other (Title I, Bilingual) Conduct Needs Assessment Where are we, compared with “ideal” RTI implementation? Where do we want to be? What do we need to do to get there? Needs Assessment Campus leadership Management, Planning, Evaluation Assessment Instructional Framework: General Instructional Framework: Core Instructional Framework: Intervention Campus Leadership Campus goals objectives Effective communication Hiring HQ personnel Ensuring HQ personnel Providing support: RTI facilitator Monitoring instruction: principal Monitoring assessment: principal Management, Planning Evaluation Planning for sustainability Focusing on campus action plan Using data for planning at the school level Using data to monitor grade level progress Using data to establish entry exit criteria Ensuring HQ prof


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