Texture Synthesis by Nonparametric Samplig通过非参数化采样的纹理合成.ppt

Texture Synthesis by Nonparametric Samplig通过非参数化采样的纹理合成.ppt

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Texture Synthesis by Nonparametric Samplig通过非参数化采样的纹理合成

Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling Alexei Efros and Thomas Leung UC Berkeley Goal of Texture Synthesis Given a finite sample of some texture, the goal is to synthesize other samples from that same texture. The sample needs to be large enough The Challenge Texture analysis: how to capture the essence of texture? Need to model the whole spectrum: from repeated to stochastic texture This problem is at intersection of vision, graphics, statistics, and image compression Some Previous Work multi-scale filter response histogram matching [Heeger and Bergen,’95] sampling from conditional distribution over multiple scales [DeBonet,’97] filter histograms with Gibbs sampling [Zhu et al,’98] matching 1st and 2nd order properties of wavelet coefficients [Simoncelli and Portilla,’98] N-gram language model [Shannon,’48] clustering pixel neighbourhood densities [Popat and Picard,’93] Our Approach Our goals: preserve local structure model wide range of real textures ability to do constrained synthesis Our method: Texture is “grown” one pixel at a time conditional pdf of pixel given its neighbors synthesized thus far is computed directly from the sample image Motivation from Language [Shannon,’48] proposed a way to generate English-looking text using N-grams: Assume a generalized Markov model Use a large text to compute probability distributions of each letter given N-1 previous letters precompute or sample randomly Starting from a seed repeatedly sample this Markov chain to generate new letters One can use whole words instead of letters too: Mark V. Shaney (Bell Labs) Results (using alt.singles corpus): “As Ive commented before, really relating to someone involves standing next to impossible.” One morning I shot an elephant in my arms and kissed him.” I spent an interesting evening recently with a grain of salt Notice how well local structure is preserved! Now let’s try this in 2D... Synthesizing One Pixel Assuming Markov property, what is conditional probability dis


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