
商务会展英汉互译实训unit 3 Bsiness Letters.ppt

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商务会展英汉互译实训unit 3 Bsiness Letters

Part II. Project Two 展会邀请函 政府主导型宣传文本的英译 深圳高交会的宣传: 经过8年的发展,高交会以其“国家级、国际性、高水平、大规模、讲实效、专业化、不落幕”的特点,已成为目前中国规模最大、最具影响力的科技类会展,有“中国科技第一展”之称。 原译:Since 1999,CHTF has been staged successfully for 8 consecutive years, with the distinct “state—level, international, high standard, large scale, practical, professional and all-year-round” identities. China Hi—Tech Fair (CHTF) is the largest and most influential hi-tech trade show in China, as well as a Chinese exhibition brand with considerable international influence. It is known as “the No. 1 hi-tech trade show in China”. 改译:CHTF is an international hi—tech trade fair with a history of eight years. It is one of the largest and most influential technologies trade shows in China. × Company Logo Part II. Project Two 展会邀请函 政府主导型宣传文本的英译 Conclusion:政府主导型会展的宣传中,难免会有一些行政指令似的东西,如“国家级”,“省级”,这是政府行为,此外还有许多空洞的、任意夸大的、多余的话。如照单全译,会缺乏说服力,外商难以信服与接受,故不能起到应有的宣传效果。其实,文中已经用了“中国最具影响力的”会展,难道还需加上“国家级”,岂不是画蛇添足吗?因此,要解决这类问题,就应该去掉或淡化政府行为,将政府口号,改写成市场语言,并将多余的话去除。 Company Logo Part II. Project Two 展会邀请函 Translate the following letter into Chinese. Dear Sir?/?Madam, We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 2006. We’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitary ware, concluding one two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. It would be great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition. We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Exhibition Center: The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number: G-K105 G-K-106 Date: Apr 15th to 20th 2006 Best Regards Mr. Su Yue General Manager Company Logo Part II. Project Two 展会邀请函 敬启者: 诚邀您于2006年4月15日至20日至大陆会展中心光临我公司展位。我公司主营卫浴产品,包括马桶、洗手盆、柜盆、立柱盆、坐浴盆、便盆、台盆、装饰陶瓷等。我


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