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浅析明星代言虚假广告 ——以“广告门”事件为例 [摘要]:随着市场经济的发展,明星广告代言越来越普遍,明星作为公众人物,代言某一产品,消费者就会不自觉地把对明星的仰慕转移到商品上,很大程度上影响了群众消费倾向。而明星所代言的广告中出现虚假宣传所导致的纠纷,也在迅速增加,其造成的社会负面影响已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。 本文以近年来被受关注的明星代言广告产品出现质量问题所引发的“广告门”事件为例,通过相关文献,上网收集资料并加以分析的方式对明星代言虚假广告这一现象做一个浅析,总结出了明星虚假广告的形成原因、对群众及社会产生的影响、提出一些抑制明星虚假广告的途径建议措施等内容,以期使明星广告走上健康、良性发展之路,从而提高明星代言广告的传播效果。 [关键词]:广告门事件 虚假广告 成因 影响 建议 Analysis of star endorsement false advertising -the Ad Gate incident as an example [Abstract]: With the development of market economy, star endorsements have become more popular. Stars endorsing a product, as publicly known figure, will make consumers unconsciously transfer the admiration for stars to the preference for goods, hence affects the masses’ consumption propensity, to a considerable extent. The dispute causing by star endorsement of false increases rapidly, and its negative social effects also has aroused extensive attention. This paper has been concerned in the Ad Gate incident, that is, the star endorse advertising products but meet the quality problem. By checking through the relevant literature, collecting the online data and analyzing the phenomenon of that stars endorse false advertising, we come to a conclusion that for the reasons of false advertising endorsement, its impacting on the mass and society, and then the way to avoid the false advertising and so on, in the hope of that the stars advertising will be in a healthy and benign way, meanwhile improve the star endorsement advertising effectiveness. [Key words]: Ad-gate False advertising Causes Impact Suggestion (发觉以上翻译不太对,几乎给重译了一遍) (格式方面我也调好了,到时只需直接删除我红色的注释部分即可) (本人联系方式:电话:0471-5953027,QQ:1053749371,听自考的同事讲,论文答辩虽然不比正规大学简单,但也是比较容易,只要论文过得了老师那一关,然后剩下的就是熟悉自己的论文,在答辩的时候老师是针对你写的论文来提问的,一共也就3,5分钟的事。所以,你不用太担心。真心希望能够帮到你!) 目录 摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………1 绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………………3 选题的背景 …………………………………………………………………………3 选题的目的和意义 …………………………………………………………………3 文献综述 ………………………………………………………………………………


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