跨文化交际实训Chapter 2 Verbal Communiation.ppt

跨文化交际实训Chapter 2 Verbal Communiation.ppt

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跨文化交际实训Chapter 2 Verbal Communiation

Key Terms dangling participles 垂悬分词 一般的分词(短语)有意义上的逻辑主语,它或是句子的主语,或者另有自己的主语,如果没有,就称这种分词为“悬垂分词”,这样的句子一般认为是不能接受或错误的。例如,在“Sitting under an apple tree one night, an idea came to Newton. ”句子中的“Sitting under an apple tree”就是垂悬分词。 Key Terms resume 简历,顾名思义,就是对个人学历、经历、特长、爱好及其它有关情况所作的简明扼要的书面介绍。简历是个人形象,包括资历与能力的书面表述,对于求职者而言,是必不可少的一种应用文。 Key Terms letter of application 求职信是商业信函,同向“客户”发出的其它信函一样,要求规范、专业,足以吸引招聘者的目光,说服他去看你的简历以获得更多信息。它不同于可以一稿多投的简历,求职信必须量身定做。要针对不同企业、不同职位,在内容和风格上稍做调整,有所侧重,让招聘者觉得求职者的工作经历和综合素质与应聘职位完全吻合或非常接近,并且期望从简历中得到更加肯定的答案以便安排面试。某种程度上来讲,求职信来源于简历,又高于简历,具有对简历内容进行综合介绍、补充说明和深入扩展的作用。 Glossary salutation n. 信函中的称呼语 enclosure n. 附件 alternate adj. 代替的 maximum adj. 最大值的, 最大量的 compound adj. 复合的 eligibility n. 合格 promo n. 商品推销;商品广告,广告片 refund vt. 退还,退(款) legislation n. 法律,法规 recruit vt. 招聘 discriminate v. 歧视 Comprehension Questions How many parts does a business letter usually have? And what are they? 2. What are the differences between a resume and a letter of application? 3. Does an applicant need to enclose a copy of his or her photographs when he or she applies for an American company? Why or why not? Case Analysis Case 1 The conversation below is an invitation to dinner. Read it and then answer the questions. A: Are you free this Sunday? B: Yes, I’m free. A: I would like you to come over and have a dinner together. B: No, it is too much trouble for you to prepare the dinner. A: No trouble at all. We can just order take-out. B: But it’ll cost you too much. Don’t bother. A: It’s a casual dinner. Let’s just have a chat and relax a little bit. Besides, there aren’t any other people. B: But you are being too polite; you always invite me to dinner. A: That’s not true at all. OK, it’s settled then. Do come, please, or I’ll be offended. B: All right. Questions: 1. In which culture background does the conversation most probably take place? 2. What are the cultural factors behind the conversation? Case 2 One night a Chinese student majoring in English s


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