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There be 结构 复习提纲 There be的概念 There be表示何时或何地有某人或某物,它表示一种存在关系,there在句中只起引导作用,无实际意义。 There is a students in the classroom. There are two pairs of shoes under the desk. 复习提纲 就近原则 There be结构的主语是由be动词后面的名词充当,如果主语是并列的几个名词时,be动词的单复数应当和它最近的名词在人称和数上保持一致. There is a ship and two boats in the water. There are two boats and a ship in the water. there be 与 have /has的区别 there be强调某地存在某人或某物 There be复习提纲 there be的一般现在时态及句型变化 1.There is an English book on the desk. 2.There is some bread in the kitchen. There be常用时态及句型变化 there be的一般过去时态 1.There was a book on the desk. 2.There were some children in the room. there be的一般将来时态 1.There is going to be a party tonight. 2.There will be a sports meeting next week. 含情态动词的there be There must be a person in the room. 含used to There used to be a church here. 含v-ing 1.There is a boy playing computer games in class. 2.There are some students watching TV in the classroom. there be的反意疑问句 1 、 ---There is no air on the moon, ? Exercises 中考考点链接 对基本概念的考查 1.—What did you see on the desk? —There ________ a bottle of orange. [2010北京宣武区] A. was B. were C. has D. had 2. There ________ an English film here tomorrow. [2011武汉] A. has B. is going to be C. will have 考查主谓一致 ( )1. There ________ two knives in the pencil box. [09哈尔滨] A. are B. be C. is D. am ( ) 2. There ________ a pair of shoes under the bed. The shoes ________ mine. [2011达州] A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are 考查与have/has的区别 1. There ________ a football game in our school next week. [2010南充] A. has B. is going to be C. have D. is going to have 2. There ______a football match on TV this evening. [2011陕西] A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have 反意疑问句的考查 1. There is a beautiful clock on the wall, ______? [2010桂林] A. isn’t there B. is there


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