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人人都该向总统学习的10大优点(双语图文)With the Presidential race heating up, it makes you wonder what it takes to be a President. 随着美国总统大选逐渐升温,你或许想知道到底怎样才能成为总统吧。 Are there any special qualities that are required? Is it better to know your strengths or your weaknesses? Or both? Irrespective of whether you want to run for Presidency one day, there are specific traits that every man should have. They are: 是不是得有某些特殊品质?是了解自己的优点好还是了解自己的缺点好呢?或者两者都应有所了解?不管将来是否竞选总统,每个人都应从中学习以下优点: 1. Respect for others 尊重他人 You should respect everyone, irrespective of their stature in the society. Then, be it the CEO of a company or a waiter at a restaurant, every human being has as much right to respect and dignity as everyone else. 不管人们社会地位如何,你都应该尊重每个人。公司首席执行官也好,餐馆服务员也罢,每个人都有权得到与他人平等的尊重与尊严。 2. Patience to wait it out 耐心等待 Patience is one of the key traits for success. It’s like fishing. You ought to be ready to wait it out, to let the fish come to you, rather than grabbing at it. If you’re patient enough, you will probably snag the biggest one in the ocean. 耐心是成功的关键优点之一。就好比钓鱼,你必须学会等待鱼儿上钩,而不是迫不及待乱抓一气。如果你足够耐心,说不定就能钓到最大的那条鱼呢。 3. Progressiveness 不断进取 Have an open mind. Don’t surround yourself with yes men. Always look for challenges and be ready to face them. It’s only when you are challenged enough is when you do your best. 要愿意听取不同意见。别让身边尽是些俯首称是的家伙。随时寻求挑战并时刻做好准备面对它们。只有当你历经足够多的挑战时,才能做到最好。 4. Passion to take it all the way 保持激情 All ideas, great ones especially, will draw criticism initially. There will be people who will just not get on board. But these are the times when you have to keep your chin up and remain enthusiastic. 所有想法,尤其是伟大的想法,一开始总会招来批评。总有人不那么认同你的观点。所以有时候你得昂首乐观面对。 5. Accept your mistakes 承认错误 Always be ready to accept your mistakes. All great men are capable of doing that. Be the bigger man and apologise for your follies. 随时准备承认自己的错误。所有大人物都擅于此道。做有品行的人,为自己的愚蠢道歉吧。 6. Compassion for others 心怀宽悯 Don’t be quick to judge others. Consider where they are coming from. If you think someone has made a statemen


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