软件工程毕业设计论文 人力资源管理系统设计.doc

软件工程毕业设计论文 人力资源管理系统设计.doc

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软件工程毕业设计论文 人力资源管理系统设计.doc

摘要 人力资源管理系统是现代企业的核心业务系统之一,人力资源管理的状况和水平对企业的运作和效率至关重要。现代企业人力资源管理的内容非常丰富,可能包含档案管理、合同管理、薪酬管理、招聘管理、绩效管理、系统管理等很多部分。在本次毕业设计中,我们模拟实现了一家现代企业的人力资源管理系统中的部分子系统。由于现代企业都拥有功能完善的企业内部网,所以该系统的体系结构采用了以SSH框架为基础的Java企业级开发模式。SSH框架作为目前最流行和最成熟的Java企业级开发技术,在软件系统的效率、可用性、可维护性等方面提供了优秀的支持,并集成了当前Java Web开发方面的最好技术。 本人在该系统中主要承担系统管理子系统的开发。该子系统包括用户注册、登录、用户管理、权限管理、用户组管理等模块。本文首先简要介绍人力资源管理系统的一些应用背景和应用状况;其次介绍了该项目开发所采用的平台、开发工具以及开发环境;本文重点描述了该系统开发的流程,从项目策划、需求分析、系统设计、编码与实现等阶段详细介绍了系统的开发过程、实现方案和策略等。 关键词:人力资源管理;系统管理;SSH框架;Java Web开发;面向对象建模 Abstract Human resource management system is one of the core business system of modern enterprises, the status and level of human resources management is very important for the running efficiency of a enterprise. The content of a modern enterprise human resources management is very rich, it may contain archives management, contract management, compensation management, recruitment management, performance management, system management and so on many parts. In this graduation design, we simulate the implementation of a modern enterprise human resources management system of some subsystems. Due to the function of the modern enterprise has perfect enterprise Intranet, so the architecture of the system adopted based on the SSH framework of Java enterprise development mode. SSH framework as the most popular and the most sophisticated Java enterprise development technology, the software system of efficiency, availability, maintainability, etc, provides a good support, and the best technology integrated with the current Java Web development. I mainly undertake system management subsystem in the system development. The subsystem includes user register, login, user management, rights management, user group management module, etc. This paper first briefly introduces some application background of the human resources management system and application conditions; Secondly introduces the adopted by the project development platform, development tools and development environments;


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