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新希望五年级期中考试试卷一.圈出下列划线部分发音不同的一项。(共8分)1. happy fly baby sunny 2. bee head see week3. cow wow flower slow 4. snow window yellow flower 二. 英译汉. ( 共12分)1. shy ____________ 2. polite _____________3. 星期四____________ 4.delicious ____________5.sandwich____________ 6.play football ____________三. 看图片,从方框中选出与其相对应英文表达,请将序号填在下面的括号内。(共12分)A. They are very hot.B. Frank is very helpful at home C. Look ! the baby is so young. D. I wash my clothes on Fridays. E. My favourite food is hamburger.F. We have maths and PE on Tuesdays. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) 四, 选择题。(共18分)( )1. We will have __________ new English teacher. A. a B. an C. the ( )2. Students ________ hard-working in this term。 A. am B. are C. is ( )3. I’m thirsty . I ‘d like some _________. A. beef B. tea C. noddles ( )4. I like vegetables ________ ice cream. A. or B. and C. but ( )5. Mr Wang is very kind, Sometimes she is _________. A. old B. strict C. young( )6. We play football ______ the weekend.in B.on C. at ( )7.My sister and i often __________ books in the library.A. read B. look C. see ( )8. -----________ would you like ? ----A sandwich . A. what B. who C. where ( ) 9. ——Do you often play football here ? ——_________________. I often play football in the park. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes , I am . C. Yes, I do. 五.连词成句(共10分)1. is、 she 、 clever、 (?)___________________________________PE class 、I 、have、on 、 Fridays 、(.) 3. is 、your、who、friend、best、(?)____________________________________________ 4. favourite 、 noddles 、Amy’s 、 is 、food ( . )____________________________________________________ 5. watch TV 、Do 、Sundays 、on 、you、often (?) _______________________________________________________ 六.从方框中选出恰当的词语完成下列各句。(共10分)speak Mondays healthy ice cream do homework 1. I love salad . It’s _________. 2. Linda can ________ English and Chinese. 3. I often _______________ on the


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