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摘 要 全套完整版设计,联系174320523各专业都有煤炭资源作为一种主要资源,在国民经济中起着非常重要的作用。近年来,煤炭的价格持续飚升,形成大力开采之势,与此同时,矿井事故也频繁发生,经济损失巨大,人员伤亡之事故非常惨痛,煤矿安全日益成为重中之重,急待加强。 粘土制浆系统被广泛用于煤矿企业的产煤一线,在煤矿企业中扮演着井下灭火和预防性灌浆的重要角色,所以是煤矿企业不可缺少的重要系统之一。也可以用于其他行业的混凝土制浆,所以,它的设计有着广泛的前景和丰富的可鉴的经验。本设计的主要内容是设计一个制浆系统,用于实现矿上用的预防性灌浆,设计关键在于一个制浆机的设计。在完成总体的设计方案以后,就指出各个零部件的设计、安装、定位的等问题,并对个别零件进行强度校核。以往设计一个制浆系统要设计好多部分,例如,设计给料机、破碎机、制浆机等一些重要系统组成部分,本设计没有抛开基本组成部分的设计,只是把它们进行一体化设计,把各个分散的主体,结合成一个大的主体,安装方便,操作简单,维护也很轻松。 关键词: 粘土制浆系统 ;制浆机 ;方便 ABSTRACT Coal resources as a main resource, in the national economy plays an important role. In recent years, coal prices have continued to soar and the potential exploitation of the formation of strong, at the same time, mine accidents have been frequent reports of huge economic losses, casualties of a very tragic accident, mine safety has increasingly become the most important, urgent need to strengthen. Clay systems have been widely used in pulp and coal mining enterprises of the coal line, in the coal mining enterprises play an underground fire and filling an important preventive role, it is coal an important and indispensable enterprise systems in the world. Other industries can also be used for concrete making, therefore, it is designed with a wide range of prospects and a wealth of experience to be learned. The main contents of this design is the design of a pulping system for the realization of the preventive use of the mine grouting, design lies in the design of a pulping machine. Upon completion of the overall design scheme, would be pointed out that the various parts of the design, installation, positioning and so on, Strength of individual parts of the check. The past to design a system to design a lot of pulp in part, for example, the design of feeder, crusher, pulping machine, such as a number of important components of the system, the design did not set aside an integral part of the basic design, only the integration of them design, the main body of the various scattered light into the main


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