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听力点题 Minnie边玥 在剩下的一周中,你该做什么? 放弃模拟题!!! 关注本地化试题:05-10天津卷共7套 关注兄弟试题:全国,北京08-10共6套 关注最新试题:湖南,湖北,重庆,广东,上海10共5套 18套=3╳6(13号-18号) 如何做题? 3套题之间不间断——重压练习 做题是为了找出问题,做题不能解决问题 词汇问题:把听力原文当做阅读去查词背词,关注“听力义”+发音 听力问题:just 读 it 除18套题外,其他真题作为泛听材料 A2:交通 选择交通方式 Go by road=drive, private car Go by rail=train Go by air= plane Underground=subway Cycle=bicycle Cab=taxi Coach U-turn 掉头 Make a wrong turn 转错弯 One-way-street 单行路 Road signs 路标 Parking lot 停车场 Parking spaces 停车位 Parking ticket 罚单 Timetable, schedule 列车时刻表 Map 路线图 Platform 6 6号站台 On the 1st line 1号线 The third stop 第三站 Round trip ticket=return ticket=two-way ticket One-way ticket=single ticket A3:数字 数字——时间、年龄、距离、日期、年代、人数、金额、速度、价格、电话号码、门牌号码、车牌号码、街道号码 近音近形:十几和几十:听鼻音 基数词序数词:415 Fifth Street 514 Fourth Street 长数字:电话号码 多数字 金钱 original/normal/regular price Be a half/fifty percent more than… :比…多了一半 It’s twice as much as… 是…的两倍 Knock 15% off the price 降价15% Discount, off I bought this $200 walkman at 25% discount. I b ought this $200 walkman for 150 dollars. I bought this $200 walkman for a quarter off the regular price. 时间 fast/slow early/late before/after behind …minutes left, …minutes delayed A5推断题: 识别标志——题目 What can we learn about the man from the conversation? What can be inferred from the conversation? What can be concluded from the conversation? 解题方法: 正确选项多是听力对话的同义改写 错误选项多是听力对话的部分重复 “长否短肯” “长否短肯” EX1. What is the man’s vacation plan? A. No vacation plans B. Rest for about half a month C. He is not sure EX2. What does the woman say about the trip? It was put off. It should take place as planned. It was canceled. EX3. What can be inferred about Allen? He wants to attend a card game. He has many interests. He doesn’t really like playing cards. A6-8:细节题 细节题 重要细节重读 重要细节复现 重要细节提示 转折提示 But Though Anyway Actually to be honest to tell the truth in fact as a matter of fact 否定提示 Never…+until/unless Out of the question Not at all=not a bit=not at least Too…to Anything but Far from The last+n. Ex1: What does the man decide



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