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摘要 随着高温工业的发展,对耐火材料的要求越来越苛刻,同时也推动了耐火材料工业的发展。对定型耐火材料制品而言,必须采用高纯原料,高压成型,高温烧成的三高工艺,才能全面提升其品质,满足高温工业发展的需要。为满足我国水泥工业发展的需要,使我国大型窑用高级碱性耐火材料能够尽量自给,我们根据本国特点研制了直接结合镁铬砖,并于1983年8月通过了部级技术鉴定。物料平衡计算、生产设备的选择和仓库等设施的计算结果,以及生产中各环节的要求,了镁碳砖生产的工艺理论基础,详细叙述了所设计产品的生产工艺流程,并对各工序的设备选择和工艺布置进行了论证。 Abstract With the development of high temperature industry, refractory materials are becoming more demanding, but also promoted the development of refractory industry. Shaped refractory products, must use the high pure materials, high pressure molding, high technology high temperature firing, to upgrade their quality, satisfy the need of hi-gh temperature industrial development. To meet the needs of our cement industry development, so that large kiln in China with advanced basic refractory to self-sufficiency, we developed according to its characteristics of direct bonded magnesia chrome bricks, and in 1983 August passed the ministerial level identification. The design is an annual output of 30000 tons of magnesia chrome brick MGee-8 and MGee-16 production workshop design. The design describes the historical development of magnesia chrome brick, application and damage mechanism, the calculation results and combining the material balance calculation, equipment selection and warehouse fac-ilities, as well as the requirement of each link in the production pr-ocess, discusses the theoretical basis for producing magnesia carbon brick, described in detail the production process of the product design, and the the process of the equipment selection and layout arediscussed. Key words: Refractory material, Magnesite chrome brick,Workshop, design 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 直接结合镁铬砖的发展历史及其应用 1 1.1.1 镁铬砖的发展历史 1 1.1.2镁铬砖的应用 2 2 工艺部分 4 2.1工艺的理论基础 4 2.1.1与MgO-Cr2O3系耐火材料有关的相平衡 4 2.1.2 原料的技术指标 7 2.1.3影响直接结合镁铬砖性能的主要因素 7 铬矿的选择 7 添加剂对镁铬砖的性能的影响 7 2.1.4 破粉碎 8 2.1.5筛分 8 2.1.6 物料的贮存 8 2.1.7 配料 9 2.1.8 混练 9 2.1.9 成型 10 2.1.10干燥 11 2.1.11 烧成 11 2.1.12 成品仓库 13 2.1.13 除尘 13 2.2工艺流程 13 2.2.1工艺流程简述 13 2.3工艺参数 14 2.4物料平衡计算 14 2.5生产设备 1


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