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毕业设计(论文) 题目:0.4T永磁体螺帽匀场及磁片匀场的调试 院(部)系 放射学院 所 学 专 业 生物医学工程 年级、班级 2009级1班 2013年6月1日 摘要 磁共振成像根据生物体内的磁性核在静磁场内产生共振信号的特性进行成像,具有图像分辨率高,成像参数多,可任意方向断层,对人体无电离辐射伤害等显著优点,成为当今最先进的医学成像方法之一,在临床上和科学研究中得到了越来越广泛的应用。 磁共振成像系统的成像质量与其主磁体的磁场均匀度有密切关系。为了得到更佳的核磁共振图像,一个均匀的磁场强度是最基本的要求。本文通过介绍匀场工艺的背景,意义和国内外的发展情况;详细介绍匀场的原理,有源匀场和无源匀场,以及匀场前的准备工作;以0.4T永磁体为例,详细阐述了螺帽匀场和磁片匀场的调试工作,通过两种匀场工作的对比分析探究匀场新思路,提高匀场的工作效率。使得MRI设备生成的图像质量更清晰更利于辅助临床医师发现病患问题之所在,对症下药及时对病患进行治疗跟预防。 关键词: 静磁场;磁场均匀度;磁场强度;匀场 Abstract Magnetic resonance imaging was performed according to the characteristics of nuclear magnetic resonance in static magnetic field, it can be arbitrary direction of fault, no significant advantages of ionizing radiation damage on the human body, it is becoming the worlds most advanced medical imaging methods, which has been more and more widely used in the clinical and scientific research. The relationship of Magnetic resonance imaging system and the imaging quality of the main magnet field uniformity is close . In order to make nuclear magnetic resonance image better, a uniform magnetic field strength is the most basic requirements. This paper introduces the background of shimming process, significance and the domestic and abroad development; the principle of detailed shimming, active shimming and passive shimming, and shimming preparations.The 0.4T permanent magnet improve the work efficiency of the uniform field. The image quality of MRI device generates more and more closely conducive to assist clinicians that patient problem, an antidote against the disease and timely treatment and prevention on patients. Keywords: static magnetic field; magnetic field uniformity; magnetic field strength magnetic field 目录 第一章 绪论..................................................................1 1. 课题的背景...........................................................1 2. 课题的意义...........................................................1 3. 国内外匀场技


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