
基于Android 平台的百纳理财管理软件计与开发.doc

基于Android 平台的百纳理财管理软件计与开发.doc

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基于Android 平台的百纳理财管理软件计与开发

基于android 平台的百纳理财管理软件设计与开发 Design and Development of Baina Financial Management Software Based on Android Platform 学部: 专业: 毕业设计(论文)完成时间: 自 年 月 至 年 月 手机的功能也在不断的强大,纸制的记账本也被手机的各种软件代替,越来越多的人关注点放在了那些让人耳目一新,简单易于操作的软件上,尤其是一些理财软件。设计。在Android设备上具有良好的用户界面、用户体验。Abstract In this era of high-tech development, the mobile phone has become an indispensable daily necessities, basically everyone of us has a phone while the function of the phones are becoming stronger and stronger. As we all know, the Android system, released by the Google Co., Ltd, is one of the most mainstream operating systems for smart-phones. The softwares developed for the Android phone is dazzling. Paper journal are also being replaced by various phone softwares, more and more people are focusing on refreshing more simple and easy-operating software, in particular, those financial management softwares. In face of the consumption in our life, we have to do more than just break-even, but to be able to make break-even as premise to achieve the real growth of property. We want to make safe investment under balance of incomes and payments, while accumulating our own wealth, thus we need to have some kinds of management softwares to record revenue and expenditure for personal and our family, the most suitable realizing way is to create the relevant softwares used on phone, then we can manage our own coffers in anywhere. Based on the above analysis, it’s really meaningful to design a Cabernet financial management software based on the android platform. This article is to explain my designing thoughts on additions-deletions’ operations to the database through Sqlite and UI. So that the user can treasure an excellent user interface and using experiences in Android devices. Keywords: 目 录概述 1 1 需求分析 1 1.1可行性分析 1 1.1.1 技术可行性分析 1 1.1.2 安全性可行性研究 2 1.2 功能需求 2 1.2.1 功能需求 2 1.2.2 功能描述 2 2 相关技术介绍 3 2.1 开发工具 3 2.1.1 Eclipse 3 2.1.2 Android 3 2.1.3 Sqlite相关介绍 4 2.2 运行环境 4


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