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院 2009 届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目: 基于单片机的三车道交通信号系统的设计 学生姓名: 所在院系: 信息工程学院 所学专业: 计算机科学与技术 导师姓名: 完成时间: 2009-05-22 摘 要 近年来,城市交通日趋紧张,交通拥挤问题已经越来越引起人们的关注。改善城市道路交通问题,其最有效途径除了合理的城市道路交通建设和规划之外,还有一个投资少、见效快的途径,就是建立合理的城市交通信号控制系统。 本系统采用三车道的布局方式,其主要内容是针对交通十字路口经常出现的问题,以单片机AT89C52为主控芯片,兼用一些如液晶显示器,交通指示灯,串行输入并行输出的移位寄存器,排阻等器件,来实现基于单片机控制的交通灯管理系统。主要实现红绿灯循环点亮及时间的设置;显示屏显示各个路口当前的车辆转向、剩余时间以及当前正采用的模式;三个按键可分别控制系统的忙闲工作模式的转换、定时器暂停/开始和显示屏关闭/开启功能;在指定时间系统会自动转换工作模式。 关键词 AT89C52,LED灯,LCD1602,交通灯,控制系统 Based on single-chip three-lane traffic signal system design He Ping The college of Information Technology Abstract In recent years, the tension of urban traffic has growing,and traffic congestion has been a growing cause for concern. To improve urban road traffic problems, the most effective way in addition to a reasonable construction of urban road traffic and planning, there is also a small investment, quick way of achieving which is to establish a rational system of urban traffic signal control. This system selects three traffic lanes layout methods. Its main contents are often at a crossroads for the traffic problems. It takes AT89C52 single-chip chipset for the host, and use a combination of devices such as liquid crystal displays, traffic lights, serial input parallel output shift register, and others, to achieve MCU-based management system for traffic lights. The main achievement is to lit traffic lights circulately and set time. The screen shows all the current vehicles intersection shift, as well as the remainder of the current model being used. Three buttons control the system. They can change mode between busy and conversion, change the timer between stop and start. they also can change the display between close and open. In a specified period of time the system will be on a automatically switch mode. Key words AT89C52,LED lights ,LCD1602,traffic lights,control system 目 录 1.绪论 1 1.1国内外研究现状 1 1.2 单片机的发展 2 1.3 交通灯的设计背景 2 2.系统总体方案设计 3 2


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