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EasyExam学生在线考试系统 摘 要 基于Internet的在线考试系统的开发是近年来非常热门的研究内容,因为它能使得教师和学生都能从原有的传统考试模式中解放出来,以可视化、多样化的方式通过Internet浏览器进行考试。大大节省了考生的时间以及减轻教师的出卷阅卷工作。但是从Web系统开发的角度来分析,目前的大部分在线考试系统都采用ASP(Active Server Pages)开发,因为此技术本身的局限性,致使现有系统在安全性、性能等方面存在缺陷。另外。因为大部分在线考试系统开发时就采用美工做个网站+程序员编写动态代码的作坊式开发模式,系统在投入运行后维护非常困难。 本论文研究基于Microsoft的最新开发环境ASP.Net开发B/S结构的在线考试系统。为了保证系统开发的成功和解决今后系统维护的困难,在开发时即采用引入了UML建模。通过图型化的描述语言来描述系统需求和进行系统设计,方便了开发人员的相互交流和开发人员的理解。论文对于UML建模用于B/S结构系统开发流程进行了探索。 在系统的实现部分,本论文研究采用C#程序设计语言,在ASP.Net环境下使用ADO.Net连接SQL Server 2000数据库,借助Internet Explorer网络浏览器实现在线考试系统。 在论文的最后部分,对论文所研究的在线考试系统设计与实现的缺陷进行了剖析,以供相关技术的进一步研究参考。 关键词:在线考试,UML建模,ASP.NET,B/S EASYEXAM STUDENT ONLINE TEST SYSTEM ABSTRACT The research on the development of the online test system based on internet is pretty hot in recent years. The visual and diverse methods for testing through internet explorer enable teachers and students to give up the traditional way of testing, and also help to save a lot of time for students to do the test and lessen teachers workload of marking the papers. However, when analyzing the technology development of web systems, we find that most of the current online test systems are using ASP(Active Server Pages)diffusely. The limitation of the ASP language itself brings the online test system with deficiencies in software safety and efficiency. In addition, most of the current online test systems are hard to maintain after running because of the workshop development method of art designing +dynamic programming. This paper does research on the development of B/S architecture online test system based on Microsoft ASP.NET which is considered as the newest developing environment of Microsoft. For the guarantee of successful system development and solutions to the difficulties of maintenance in the future, UML modeling is adopted in this systems development. It is easy for clients and developers to communicate and understand to use diagrams to describe the requirements analyze and design of the system.


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