《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_54.ppt

《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_54.ppt

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《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_54

根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 六下 party Use “am/is/are going to”to ask and answer questions about their party. Let’s review Let’s review When? Where? What? party What are they going to do for the party? What is he going to do for the party? decorate装饰 What are they going to do at the party? play with the toys have much nice food have some fun excited Guess: Are they going to ...? Bobby and his classmates are very excited. What are they going to do? Bobbys class is going to have a party soon. Watch and remember What are they going to do at the party? Is/Are ... going to …at the party? What are they going to do at the party? Yes,... / No,... play the piano tell a story put on a play A. put on 上演,表演 B. put on 穿上 make a big cake sing a popular song A. play 玩 B. play 演出 1.Sam wants to be the king. ( ) 2.Bobby enjoys(享受) being the king. ( ) F Read and judge Bobby Tip: 仔细读对话,画出关键句。 F Let’s read: 四人一组,分角色朗读故事。 Read in roles Bobby Narrator 解说员 语气,语音语调! Billy Sam Willy Reading time Is Bobby going to leave离开 the party? (展开大胆的想象,续编故事。) Look out of the window the lovely snow They are going to say a rhyme about snow. anybody Look out of the ________ At the lovely _________! Does anybody _________ Why we have __________? window snow know snow 任何人 Let’s listen: 哪一个音你读到了好几次? ?? 你能说出更多含有 的单词吗? ow /??/ flow 流动 glow 发光 arrow 箭 own 自己的 bowl 碗 owl猫头鹰 below 下面 borrow 借 根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化



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