14Prevention of Pressure Ulcers褥疮单位14Prevention(PPT54)课件.ppt

14Prevention of Pressure Ulcers褥疮单位14Prevention(PPT54)课件.ppt

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14Prevention of Pressure Ulcers褥疮单位14Prevention(PPT54)课件

DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 14 Unit 14 Prevention of Pressure Ulcers Nurse Aide I Course Prevention Of Pressure Ulcers As a direct care giver, the nurse aide will be the key team member in the prevention of pressure ulcers. Knowledge of the relationship between blood supply and tissue destruction, as well as the skills necessary to properly position residents to minimize the effects of pressure, are essential. Introduction 14.0 Discuss pressure ulcers and methods used to prevent them. Pressure Ulcers Previously called decubitus ulcers or bed sores Caused by pressure on area of skin that interferes with circulation 14.1 Identify areas where pressure ulcers most frequently occur. Pressure Ulcers (continued) Occur where bones come close to the skin surface. toes, heels, ankles, knees hips, elbows, shoulders spine (especially tailbone area) ears, cheeks, collarbone area back of head Pressure Ulcers (continued) Can develop where areas of body rub together and moisture collects, especially in obese residents Under breasts Between folds of abdomen Between crease of buttocks Between thighs 14.1.2 List the methods used to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers. Methods Used To Prevent Pressure Ulcers Keep skin clean and dry Reposition residents at least every two hours Keep linen dry and free of wrinkles and objects that cause pressure to the skin Clean urine and feces from skin as soon as possible Methods Used To Prevent Pressure Ulcers (continued) Make sure clothing and shoes do not bind or constrict Pat skin dry when bathing; never scrub Encourage adequate nutrition and fluids Methods Used To Prevent Pressure Ulcers (continued) Massage pressure points when the resident is repositioned Report any changes in skin condition immediately 14.1.3 Identify devices used to prevent pressure ulcers. Preventive Devices Used To Prevent Pressure Ulcers Bed cradle Heel and elbow protectors Flotation pads or cushions Pillows Water beds Alternating pressure mattresses Eggcrate ma


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