二年级上英语课件unit4 Myfamily北师大版.ppt

二年级上英语课件unit4 Myfamily北师大版.ppt

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二年级上英语课件unit4 Myfamily北师大版

Thats my sister. Thats me. father mother brother Family(家庭) me sister Ann,who’s that? Kens my brother. Thats Ken. Clap your hands!(拍拍手) Game 1 : 游戏规则: 幻灯左边会先出现一张单词图片,当幻灯右边出现其他不同的单词图片时,同学们必须读出单词,当出现与左边的图片相同的单词图片时,同学们必须立刻一起拍手,仍然读出单词的小组不能得分。 For example: Ken Ann Kate Ann,who’s that? Kates my Thats sister. brother. Kate. Ken. Look and say!(看和说) Game 2: 游戏规则: 请朗读幻灯出现的图片或单词,看谁又快又准,表现好的小组会获得小星星。 1. sister brother mother father sister brother mother father family family Thats my Thats my Kens my Kates my Thats my Kens my Thats my Kates my Whos that? Whos this? Whos that? Whos this? Whos that? Thats my This is my This is my Thats my Thats me. Ready?Smile! Ready?Smile! Look at this photo. This is my family. Ready?Smile! Ready?Smile! Look at this photo. Look at this photo. Look at this photo. This is my family. This is my family. This is my family. Game 3: Lets say! 游戏规则: 请准确读书幻灯出现的单词或句子,看谁又快又准。 Ready? Smile! Look at this photo. Thats my father. Thats my sister. Kens my brother. Whos this ? This is my family. mother Whos that? Who’s that ? That’s Xiao Wanzi(小丸子). Xiao Wanzi, who’s that ? Xiao Wanzi, who’s that woman? That’s my father. That’s my mother. Xiao Wanzi, who’s that ? That’s my sister. Hi,I’m …... Look at this photo. This is my family. This is.../ Thats ... Make a family photo and Introduce your family 以四人为一组,在准备好的相框里帖上你的全家照,再用“This is my family. She’s my……\He’s my ……”句型介绍自己的家庭。 love 父母 给了我们生命,无微不至的关心我们的学习和生活。我们一定要听他们的话,懂得感恩。 哥哥姐姐爱护我们,我们要疼惜我们的弟弟妹妹,爱我们的每一个家人。 father and mother , I love you . Sister and brother , I love you 一起大声表达你的爱 Let’s draw and say. Homework 1、听录音,跟读课文3次,家长签名。 2、用英语向同学介绍自己的家庭成员。 3、学会感恩,帮家人做力所能及的小事。 Unit 4 My family Who’s this? This is Cathy. Who’s this? This is Wang Ling. Who’s this? This is Tommy. This is Peter. Who’s this? Who’s this? This is Danny Deer. This is…(这是......) That’s…(那是......) That is…(那是......) Who’s that? Thats Mocky.


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