Chapter 8 公式图表定分类等的写作特点2014.ppt

Chapter 8 公式图表定分类等的写作特点2014.ppt

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Chapter 8 公式图表定分类等的写作特点2014

* * * * * * * * categorize???“把…归类”、“把…分门别类”,用法同classify, 多用于书面语言。 ??Each type of molecule has a unique M.W. and thus we can?categorize?them by ???M.W.? 每一种分子都有其特定的分子量,?因而可以根据分子量的不同将分子分类 In this study, anxiety?is categorized / classified into?trait anxiety and state?anxiety. 在本研究中,焦虑被分为性格焦虑和状态焦虑两种 sort ?侧重指将事物按类型分类、整理或选择。 ? ???1)The boy is?sorting?over the foreign stamps he has collected. ??????这个男孩正在整理他收集的外国邮票。 ???2)She?sorted?the photos and stuck them in separate allums. ??????她把照片分了类,贴在不同的影集里。 ???3)Garbages are required to be?sorted?for disposal or recycling. ??????垃圾需要分类进行处理或回收。 Group , 类似于侧重指将事物按类型分类 每种晶体管可以被分成许多种型号。 Transistors of each kind can be grouped into many versions. 用法四:用“be of”表示 Electronic measurements are of two kinds: those made of electronic quantities such as voltage, capacitance, or field strength, and those made by electronic means of other quantities such as pressure, temperature, or flow rate. 用法三:用“there be”表示 电荷有两种。 There are two kinds of electric change. 8 近似值: 1.可用approximate, approximately, nearly, almost, a little, slightly, under, over, under等形容词、副词或介词。 (火箭不到10米高) The rocket stands under 10 meters high. 这根导线大约长5m。 The wire is approximately (about) 5 meters long. 那根导线大约5m多一点。 That wire has a length of slightly (a little) over 5 meters. 2.某物 + be + thought / believed / estimated / said / known / assumed + to(动词不定短语) 例:地心的温度据认为接近3700℃ The temperature in the center of earth is thought to reach 3700℃. 例:那墙估计有三米厚。 That wall is estimated to have a thickness of 3 meter. 9 小数,倍数: 小数 例: 该电阻上的电压为零点几伏。 The voltage across the resistor is a few (several) tenths of a volt. a few (several) tenths=零点几 这根导线的电阻为零点零几欧母。 The resistance of the wire is a few (several) hundredths of an Ohm. a few (several) hundredths=零点零几 这只是汽化热的千分之几。 This is only a few thousandths of the heat of vaporization. a few thousandths=零点零零几 五分之三 → three fifths , 十分


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