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目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 绪论 1 第二章 数学变形的概述 1 2.1 什么是数学变形 1 2.2 在中学数学中常用的基本方法 2 第三章 变形技巧在初等数学中的一些应用 2 3.1 一元二次方程的变形技巧 3 3.2 三角函数的变形技巧 4 3.3 “0”的变形技巧 7 3.4 “1”的变形技巧 9 第四章 代数变形中常用的技巧 11 4.1 代数恒等式和恒等变形 11 4.2 代数中常见的变形 12 4.2.1 整式变形 12 4.2.2 分式变形 13 4.2.3 根式变形 18 4.2.4 指数变形 21 4.2.5 对数变形 22 4.2.6 复数变形 23 第五章 结论 24 参考文献 25 致谢 26 浅谈数学中的变形技巧 学生:冯继东 指导老师:郑宗剑 摘要 变形是数学解题活动中最基本而又常用的方法,它既灵活又多变,一个公式,一个法则,它的表述形式是多种多样的。变形是为了达到某种目的或需要而采取的一种手段,是化归、转化和联想的准备阶段,它属于技能性的知识,当然存在着技巧和方法,也就需要人们在学习数学的实践中反复操练才能把握,乃至灵活应用。在数学解题中,为了完成论证、求值、化简等的任务,常要对某些式子进行恒等变形,但是恒等变形又无一定之规,一个式子往往有多种可能的变形方向,因题而异,技巧性非常强。本文主要介绍了变形技巧在初等数学和代数中的一些应用。掌握好并灵活应用这些技巧,可以很快确定解题方向,减少解题的盲目性,提高解题效率。 关键词:初等数学;代数;变形;技巧 THE DEFORMATION SKILLS DISCUSS MATHEMATICS student: FengJidong Supervisor:Zheng Zongjian ABSTRACT Deformation is mathematics problem-solving activities in the most fundamental and commonly used method, it is flexible and changeable, a formula, a law, its expressions are diverse. Deformation is to achieve some purpose or need but adopt of a kind of means, is the return, conversion and Lenovo’s preparation phase, it belongs to skills sex knowledge, of course there is need techniques and methods in learning mathematics people can grasp to dill as much as possible in practice, and flexible application. In mathematics problem-solving, in order to complete the demonstration, evaluated, reduction etc task, often to some, but were identical deformation distributed-group management then deformation and no sure formula for success, identical distributed-group management then often have several possible a deformation of the problem and the direction, because different, craft was very strong. In this paper mainly introduced the deformation skills in elementary mathematics and some application of algebra. Mastering and flexible application of these techniques, can quickly determine the direction of solving problem solving, reduce blindness, improve the problem solving efficiency. Key words: elementary maths , al


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