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井下水泵房自动排水系统设计 摘 要 煤炭行业是我国的支柱产业。随着煤炭行业高产高效的发展,矿井安全问题己成为制约煤炭生产的关键因素。井下涌水是危及矿井安全的重要因素。一旦发生井下透水事故,不仅影响井下生产,甚至会使矿井淹没,危及生产工人生命。井下水泵房排水系统担负着整个矿井积水排除的任务,其安全可靠性直接影响矿井生产的效率和安全。目前,我国大多矿井水泵房仍然普遍使用传统的人工操作排水系统。这种排水系统由于自动化程度低,应急能力差,存在很大的安全隐患。随着我国煤炭行业的发展,井下排水系统自动化己成为亟待解决的问题。 本论文从我国煤矿生产实际出发,针对现有排水系统存在的弊病,结合现代工业技术和控制理论,设计了适于煤矿井下使用的自动排水系统。利用工业专用可编程控制器PLC和超声波液位检测装置,组成自动监控系统,根据水仓水位变化情况,实现自动排水。 依据液压传动理论和流体力学原理,选择了两种可控闸阀,以适应不同环境下的井下排水系统,解决了井下排水系统自动控制的难题,并通过理论和试验验证了其可行性。 关键词:水泵房,井下排水,可控闸阀,PLC,最优控制 WELL WATER PUMP AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN ABSTRACT The coal trade is a pillar industry of our country.With the development of coal trade in its high prodution and efficiency,the security problem of mine has been the key obstacle to coal prodution.Water pouring is an important factor endangering mine.Once the water leak accident takes place in mine,coal production will beld back;even the mine will be flood,jeopardizing labor’s life.Pumping collected water from mining area is the job of drainage system in pumping house under mine,which has closely relations to mining security and effciency.At present,the chiefly drainage systems in mining pumping house in our country aer traditional ones,which are operated by hand.There are potential safety hazard in this kind of drainage because of its low automation and failure in dealing with emergency.Therefore,it is urgent to solve the problem of drainage automation under mine. Based on practice of coal producing,and making use of modern industrial techniques and control theory,automatic drainage system studied in our research is made to adapt to coal mine,Composed of industrial controller and ultrasonic level detecting instriment,monitored and control system can make drainage equipments working automatically,according to the alternation of water well’s level. In order to meet various requirements of drainage systems in different situations,two kinds of controlled gate valves are studied and exploited based on hydraulic theory and fluid mechanics prin


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