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* * 词 汇 第4讲 大纲词汇 n - q 1. namely adv. 即, 也就是(说) Three students were mentioned, namely John, Sarah and Sylvia. n.(1) 笔记,注解,备忘录 Dave made a note of her address and phone number. 搭配①: as already noted/as noted above 如上所述; (正如上面)所指出的那样 搭配②: compare notes 交换意见; 对笔记 搭配③: make /take notes /a note of 把······记录下来, 把······作成笔记或札记 (2) [C]票据,纸币 a ten-pound note (3) [C]便条 a thank-you note (=a note to say thank you for sth) 2. note v. (1) 记录,注解 Let me note down your address and telephone number. (2) 注意 I failed to note that he had left. 2. note 3. observe (1) vt. 看到;注意到 It was observed that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure. (2) vi. vt. 观察;监视;观测 One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes. (3) vt. 遵守 So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides. 4. occur vi. (1) 发生 The explosion occurred at 5:30 a.m. (2) 被发现;被存在 The highest rates of unemployment occur in the inner urban areas. 搭配: It occurs to sb (of an idea) (主意) 浮现于脑中;被想到;被想起 It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her. 5. opposite adj.(1)相对的,相反的,对面的 It’s not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country. (2)对面的 He sat down in the chair opposite. prep. 对面 I sat opposite him during the meal (= on the other side of the table). 5. opposite n. 相反的事物 Hot and cold are opposites. 辨析:opposite 与 contrary“相反的” opposite 指“位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等对立的、相反的”; “True” and “ false ” have opposite meanings. contrary 指“两物朝相反的方向发展”, 含有“互相冲突, 不一致”的意思。 Your plan is contrary to mine. 6. pace n. (1) 发展;进度 Children learn best by studying at their own pace. (2) 步速;走、跑或运动的速度 Lucy set off at a leisurely pace back to the hotel. (3) [C](跑或走的)一步;步子 He took a pace towards the door. 搭配: keep pace (with sth/sb) 跟上速度 The supply of materials cannot keep pace with demand. 6. pace v. (1) vi. vt. 踱步(于);漫步走(于) I found Mark at the hospital, pacing restlessly up and down. (2) vt. 以步测量;步测 The director paced out the length of the stage. 7. panic (1) n. [UC]恐慌;惊恐;惊慌 She got


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