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中国民营企业出口现状与发展对策研究 摘 要:改革开放30多年来,一大批民营企业已由创业阶段进入成熟发展阶段,在积极维持、开拓国内市场的同时,已有越来越多的民营企业通过向外贸部门提供出口货源或通过外贸代理等方式间接地参与了国际市场的竞争,成为我国对外贸易特别是外贸出口的重要增长点。但是在出口额逐年增长的同时,我们也看到,由于受企业规模、企业管理能力、技术研发能力以及企业外部环境等诸方面的影响,民营企业出口竞争力并不高,存在很多问题,在对外贸易中处于不利的地位。本文通过对民营企业出口竞争力状况进行分析,找出影响竞争力的主要因素,并以此为基础,找到提升民企出口竞争力的途径,以及提升所面临的障碍因素等,从而提出相关对策建议,对于我国民营企业出口竞争力的增强有着积极的促进作用,其理论和现实意义都非常重大。 关键词:中国民营企业;出口竞争力;提升;创新环境 Abstract: After years of reform and opening up, a large number of private enterprises from start-up stage into the mature stage of development, actively maintained, open up the domestic market, a growing number of private enterprises export to the foreign trade sector sources or through foreign agents indirectly involved in the international competition in the market, as Chinas foreign trade, particularly the importance of export growth. However, exports increased year by year, we have seen, due to firm size, management ability, technical research and development capabilities as well as the external environment and other aspects of the impact of the export competitiveness of private enterprises is not high, there are many problems in Foreign trade at a disadvantage. Based on the export competitiveness of private enterprises to analyze the situation, identify the main factors affecting competitiveness, and on this basis, to enhance private enterprises to find ways to export competitiveness, and enhance the obstacles faced by factors, and to recommend relevant countermeasures, to promote the development of private enterprises in foreign trade has important practical significance. Key words:Chinas private enterprises; export competitiveness; increase; innovation environment 目 录 一、引言 1 二、我国民营企业出口概况及特征 1 (一)民营企业的界定 1 (二)民营企业出口的背景分析 2 (三)民营企业出口的现状 3 (四)民营企业出口的特征 3 三、影响民营企业出口竞争力的主要因素 4 (一)企业规模偏小 5 (二)企业经营管理方式落后,人才匮乏 5 (三)研发创新能力薄弱 6 (四)劳动力价格比较优势递减 6 四、提升民营企业出口竞争力的对策建议 6 (一)深化改革,优化民企产权结构 6 (二)加强对出口结构的导向 6 (三)加强科技研发能力,注重创新,培养人才 7 (四)转变经济增长方式,增强民企核心竞争力 7 参考文献 8 致 谢 9 一、引言 当前.全球金融危机使中国经济发展面临的不确定性不稳定


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