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天 津 师 范 大 学 本科毕业设计 北师大版三年级上册《分桃子》教学设计 ——两位数除以一位数的除法的竖式算法 学 院:XXXXX 学生姓名:XXX 学 号:XXXXXXXX 专 业:XXXXXXX 年 级:XXXXX级 完成日期:XXXXXXX 指导教师:XXXXXX 北师大版三年级上册除法教学设计 ——两位数除以一位数的除法的竖式算法 摘要:《分桃子》是北师大版小学数学三年级上册第六单元的第一课,本单元将要继续学习除法的知识。作为本单元的第一课,要求学生掌握用竖式计算两(三)位数除以一位数的除法,为后面要学习的被除数是0的除法,商中间或末尾有0的三位数除以一位数的除法,三位数除以一位数,商是两位数的除法,连除和乘除混合计算打下了基础,提供了依据。通过具体情境让学生们亲自动手分一分,体会分桃子的过程,进而与除法竖式相联系,帮助学生理解竖式的算理。教学中充分的体现学生的主体地位,让他们进行小组讨论自己发现问题、提出问题、遇到难题、最后解决问题,再通过多种形式的练习,巩固学习的新知识并进一步体会算理,最后清楚明白的掌握用竖式正确计算除法的方法。 关键词:分桃子;除法竖式;算理;教学设计 On the books of the third year of the Beijing Normal University division instructional design ----Double-digit divided by the division of a number of vertical algorithm Abstract: Sub-peach is the first version of the Primary Mathematics of Beijing Normal University third-year sixth unit, The unit will continue to learn the knowledge of division. As the first lesson of this unit, Requires students to master computing with vertical division of the two (or three) digits divided by a number of, To learn later, dividend is zero division, Providers the middle or the end of the zero-digit divided by a number of division, Three digits divided by a number of commercial double-digit division, and even laid the foundation for hybrid computing in addition and multiplication and division, to provide a basis. Specific situations to allow students hands-on one point, experience the process of sub-peach, and then linked with the division vertical, to help students understand the vertical management of the operator. Fully reflected the dominant position of students teaching them group to discuss their problems, ask questions, encounter problems, and finally solve the problem, and then through various forms of exercise, to consolidate the learning of new knowledge and experience of the operator management, and finallyclear grasp of the method is correct vertical division. Keywords: peaches points; division vertical; operator management; ins



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