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??????????? 大连广播电视大学 毕业【摘要】药物不良反应(Adverse Drug Reaction,ADR)【关键词】【 bstract 】 (Adverse Drug Reaction, referred to as ADR) as an important part of medicine discipline, safety rational Drug use, historically occurs, so to speak, the Drugs a breed apart from treatment function. So-called is a medicine three minutes poison, so to explore the factors of adverse drug reactions and clinical harm, thus improve the security of the rational use of drugs, has the very vital significance. In recent years, the country and the various departments have from different aspects such as laws and regulations of the adverse drug reactions monitoring and control has adopted a series of regulatory measures, to arouse attention from all sectors of society, so as to effectively reduce and prevent the risk of adverse drug reactions, safe, effective, economical and proper use of drugs that rational drug use. This article as a starting point, relying on modern medicine and disease system knowledge and theoretical basis, adverse drug reactions and safe drug for further analysis and discussion, for safe medication knowledge popularization and its scientific nature and the authority to provide the theoretical basis and reference data. 【 ey Words 】 to endanger the safety of reducing drug adverse reactions dverse Drug Reaction,ADR)是指质量合格的药物在正常用法和用量下,出现的与用药目的无关的或意外的有害反应。①已知的药物不良反应包括副作用( side effect )、毒性作用( toxic effect )、变态反应(allergic reaction)也称过敏反应(hypersensitive reaction)(residual effect)、继发反应(secondary reaction)(teraogenesis)(carcinogenesis)(mutagenesis)(drug dependence)(WHO)(Adverse Drug Event,简称ADE)防治或诊断疾病过程中,因药物本身的作用或药物间相互作用而产生的与用药目的无关而又不利于病人的各种反应一般是可预知的,但有的是不可避免的,是难以恢复的。】2014年全国药品不良反应监测网络收到《药品不良反应/事件报告表》132.8万份,较2013年增长了0.8%。其中新的和严重药品不良反应/事件报告34.1万份,占同期报告总数的25.7%。1999年至2014年,全国药品不良反应监测网络累计收到《药品不良反应/事件报告表》近790万份。 图1 1999-2014年全国药品不良反应/事件报告数量增长趋势 一种药品从研究开发、动物实验、临床试验到审批上市等全部程序,各国规范都十分严谨,然而由于受当时科技认知等客观条件的限制,仍然无法完全避免药物不良反应的发生。有些罕见、迟发、发生于特殊人群的不良反应只有在药品大面积长期使用后才能被发现。例如发现四环素影响骨骼生长用了10年,认识非那西丁造成肾损害长达


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