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8000KVA电力变压器设计 8000kVA配电电力变压器的设计 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 年级专业: 指导教师: 二〇一四年六月 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 电力变压器是发电、输电、变电以及配电系统中起着非常重要的作用,它的质量和性能都将直接影响到电力系统能否安全、可靠、经济、稳定的运行,因此,电力变压器的设计就显得尤为的重要,是一个非常值得我们花费时间去深入探讨的课题。 电力变压器从1831年产生以后,在电力工业和供用电事业中的应用,随着其技术的不断发展而变得越来越广泛。本次的变压器设计,主要是对电力变压器的各个组成部分包括铁心、线圈、油箱等的设计以及铁心材料、导线材料和散热器的选择,同时还进行了相关参数的计算,主要包括:铁心直径、铁心截面、线圈匝数、空载损耗、空载电流、油箱尺寸、油箱散热面以及变压器的重量。希望通过以上的计算可以设计出一台能够满足实际要求以及国家标准的电力变压器。 关键词 变压器,铁心,线圈,损耗,油箱 ABSTRACT 3 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) Power transformer is power generation, transmission, substation and power distribution system plays a very important role, its quality and performance will directly affect the power system can be safe, reliable, economic and stable operation, therefore, the design of the power transformer is particularly important, is a very worth we spend the time to discuss deeply. After power transformer produced in 1831, in the power industry and the application of power supply enterprise, with the continuous development of its technology is becoming more and more widely. The transformer design, mainly including the core component of power transformer, the design of the coil, fuel tanks and other materials, wire and core material and the selection of radiator, as well as the calculation of relevant parameters was carried out, mainly including: core diameter, core section, coil number of turns, no-load loss and no-load current, the size of the fuel tank, fuel tank cooling surface and the weight of the transformer. Hope that through above calculation can design a machine can satisfy the actual requirements and national standards of power transformer. Keywords :transformer core, coil, loss, tank 3 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目 录 总 结 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3 绪 论 电子变压器在电子设备中应用较广,但他的成本较高,体积较大,重量较重,失效率也较高。为了降低成本,减小它的体积、重量。国内从六十年代开始就在变压器方面进行了大量的工作。目前,电力变压器的设计和生产都已经大


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