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摘 要 文学一直是我所钟爱的,特别是中国的古典文学。所以在这次的毕业设计中,我选择制作一个原创文学网站。我采用ASP结合HTML以及Access数据库来进行设计。使用Windows2000中的IIS作为服务器端进行测试。 这个网站中将分诗词曲赋、散文随笔、小说故事、杂文评论、名篇赏析、无知作品六个栏目,供网友发表自己的原创文章及收录自己的作品。加入文章审核机制,审核分为五个级别,第五级将加入精华区。用户分为管理员,审核员,录入员三种。加入了通过web进行在线管理的模块,使网站成为名副其实的动态化网站。基本上成功地实现了设计任务书的要求。 通过此次毕业设计,我比较全面地了解了如何使用Access建立数据库,如何利用ASP与数据库进行连接。并积累了制作一个简单网站应有的经验。 关键字: 文学,原创,ASP Abstract Literature has always been my favorite, especially the classical literature of China. So in the graduation project , I choose to make an original literary website. I adopt ASP to combine HTML and Access database to design. Use IIS in Windows2000 to test as the end of the server. The website lieutenant general divide poem words and tune compose, prose random notes, novel story, essay comment, famous chapter enjoyment, ignorant works six column, for the netizen to publish ones own original articles and record their works. The article by adding verify mechanism, the processing is divided into five levels , the fifth grade will join the quintessence district . Users divide into the administrator, auditor, the persons who input are the three kinds. And has connected forum, chartroom, message pad, etc. Has joined module carrying on online management through the web, make websites become a truly dynamic website. Basically, the successful realization of the tasks of the design requirements. Through this graduation project, I have understood in an all- round way how to use Access to set up the database , how to utilize ASP and database connections. And has accumulated a simple websites due experience of making. Key words: Literature, original, Asp 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2网络文学的现状 2 1.3本文各章的主要结构 4 第二章 系统开发工具介绍 5 2.1ASP介绍 5 2.2 Dreamweaver MX 2004简介 7 2.3 IIS/PWS的安装 8 第三章 系统分析 10 3.1 系统的可行性分析 10 3.1.1 经济可行性 10 3.1.2 技术可行性 10 3.1.3 运行可行性 11 3.2 系统功能需求 11 3.3 系统的数据需求 13 3.4 数据库概念结构设计 15 3.5系统的环境需求 19 3.5.1 硬件条件 19 3.5.2 软件条件 19 3.6系统性能 19 第四章 系统总体设计 20 4.1系统功能模块的总体设计 20 4.1.1 系统的功能描述 20 4.1.2 系统


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