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2012年政府工作报告用语选登(中英对照) 择校 pay to enroll one’s children in better schools 统筹兼顾 adopt a holistic approach 三公经费 spending on official overseas trips, official vehicles and official hospitality 淘汰落后产能 close down outdated production facilities 倡导学术诚信 advocate academic integrity 大力实施素质教育 energetically implement well-rounded education 规范收入分配秩序 ensure that income distribution is governed by proper standards 深化人才体制改革 deepen reform of the personnel management system 适时适度预调微调 carry timely and appropriate anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning 基层医疗卫生机构 community-level medical and health care institutions 用好重要战略机遇期 make the most of this important period of strategic opportunities 文化是人类的精神家园 Culture gives human beings a sense of belonging. 全面提升开放型经济水平 make comprehensive improvements to China’s open economy 企业“走出去”步伐加快 Chinese companies expanded overseas presence 资源环境和人口承载能力 the carrying capacity of China’s resources, environment and population 推动多种所有制经济共同发展 promote the common development of economic entities under diverse forms of ownership 加强环境保护重点工作的意见 the Guidelines on Strengthening Key Environmental Protection Tasks 及时解决苗头性、倾向性问题 promptly resolve emerging issues that signal unfavorable trends 主权债务危机短期内难以缓解 It will be hard to ease the sovereign debt crisis any time soon. 实现了“十二五”时期良好开局 got the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-15) off to a good start 政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信 government, business and public integrity ? 努力做到调控审慎灵活、适时适度 conduct prudent and flexible macro-control on a moderate scale and in a timely fashion 为市场主体提供更多的汇率避险工具 provide more tools for market participants to hedge foreign exchange risks 优秀文化传承是一个民族生生不息的血脉 Passing on fine culture is essential in maintaining the everlasting vitality of a nation 对行政事业性收费和政府性基金进行清理 investigate the collection and use of administrative fees and operations of government-managed funds 人民的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 people’s rights to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee government affairs, and corrupt practi


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