
RULES OF SCOPE - Gonzaga Student Web Server作用域规则-冈萨加学生Web服务器.ppt

RULES OF SCOPE - Gonzaga Student Web Server作用域规则-冈萨加学生Web服务器.ppt

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RULES OF SCOPE - Gonzaga Student Web Server作用域规则-冈萨加学生Web服务器

Inheritance Professor Jason Chen School of Business Administration Gonzaga University Spokane, WA 99258 Three Types of Inheritances Single-level Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Multi-level Inheritance Two Dogs: Spotted and Unspotted Dogs Public vs. Private Class Members (cont.) Protected class members are accessible within the base or derived class member functions, but not outside of such functions. First Class Example: Employees employee class Outputs from employee.cpp and employee_enum.cpp HW#5 Multiple Inheritance Multiple Inheritance (cont.) Multi-Level Inheritance Public vs. Private Class Members When you declare a class, you can define members as public or private (or protected). Public class members are available throughout your program using the object name and the dot (class.member) or indirection (class_ptr-member) operators. Public vs. Private Class Members (cont.) Private class members, on the other hand, can only be accessed using class member functions (i.e., functions declared in the base class). Using private class members, your programs can better control the values assigned to class members and how those values are used. By default, all class members are private. Once you include a public label within your program, however, you can specify public members. If you later want to declare private members, you must use the private label. Information Hiding Information hiding is the process of designing functions or classes as “black box.” In other words, to use a function or class, a programmer does not need to know the box’s inner workings, since it brings with it all of its methods, but rather, simply the operation the box performs and how to interface with the box. Within your C++ programs, private class members support information hiding. * Object-Oriented Paradigm and C++ - Dr. Chen * //file name: mymovie_Chen_Jason_char.cpp //The program accept the input from the keyboard //It contains both constructor and


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