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團體凝聚與從眾 Group Cohesion and Conformity 團體迷思(groupthink) Asch’s (1955) conformity studies 告訴受試說是做一個有關視覺的實驗,右邊X是標準線條,請受試判斷左邊三條線123,其中那一條和標準線條一樣長? 7個實驗同謀,1個受試。重複判斷18次,其中6次同謀說出正確答案,12次一致說錯誤的答案。一個個公開地說,受試是最後一個。 在控制組,只有1%不到的受試指出錯的線條 ?試驗組受試者沒有從眾反應,75%至少有一次有從眾行為。1/3至少有50%以上的從眾反應。 What’s going on? Some said they knew they were out of step with group, but felt their perceptions were inaccurate + group was correct. Some said that they actually saw the lines as the group did. Some said they did not believe the group was correct but simply went along with the group in order to fit in. Why conform? 1. Normative influence conforms to expectations held by others in order to receive the rewards or avoid the punishments that are contingent on meeting this expectation being liked and accepted by other members is one important reward in normative influence the most fundamental source of uniformity within groups Sherif (1935, 1936) 2. Information Influence What’s going on? people need to be certain + confident in the correctness of their actions The situation was ambiguous and uncertain People looked to others to help define “reality” Once developed, the norm persists beyond the immediate situation A week or two after… A year after… 影響從眾的因素 2. 全體一致(unanimity) 3.對團體的吸引力 4.對未來互動的預期的投入 5.相信自己的能力 6.性別 -性別角色 -工作性質 對異性工作不熟,比較會從眾 少數影響(Minority Influence) 歧異的少數(Dissenting minority) 革命或改革是少數人影響多數人 科學革命 宗教革命 政治革命 政治改革 社會變遷乃至社會進步才有可能 更多的少數人雖堅持異見,卻多失敗了 Minority influence Moscovici’s Conversion Theory Moscovici, Lage, Naffrechoux (1969) 在實驗中,六個受試被要求判斷幼燈片投射出來的顏色,有六種不同亮度的藍色。 實驗的三個狀況: 控制組 (6 個受試,無實驗同謀者) 不一致的少數 (2/3說是藍色,1/3 說是綠色) 一致的少數 (都說是綠色) 少數結盟(minority coalition) Moscovici’s Conversion Theory of minority influence Conversion, not compliance 改變多數人的態度與信念 Persuasion, not coercion 少數發揮影響的條件 1.create conflict and disrupt the established order– producing doubt and uncer-tainty (stubbornly resist) 2.need to offer a constructive alternative with strong confidence 3.must sign


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