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期刊影响因子分析 50 years ago… 利用引文分析进行科研评估的理论基础: Normative Perspective on citations 美国社会学家罗伯特·默顿 (Robert K. Merton): 《科学的规范结构》 文献引用的动机 Citation motivation: 原文献的科学价值 Citation – Impact, Influence, Importance, Performance 科学期刊在同行科学家的交流中起着根本的作用。即科学文献能够代表科学活动以及表现不同分支学科之间关系。在整个期刊系统中,可以区分出“重要”的国际性期刊 学术文献被重要的期刊文献引用的次数是这一文献的影响或国际显著性的一种度量 Moed et al., The use of bibliometric data for the measurement of university research performance, Research Policy, 14, 131-149,1985; Oppenheim, C. Journal of Documentation, 1995 Web of Science? and its offspring Web of Science? and its offspring Article-level vs. Journal-level data Journal Citation Reports 独特的多学科期刊分析评价工具 自1997年以来的数据: 提供基于引文数据的期刊评价指标 显示出引用和被引期刊之间的相互关系 帮助用户以定量的方式了解全球的学术期刊 利用JCR on Web深入了解学术期刊 Calculation of Journal Impact Factor Journal Impact Factor Average citation count in a particular year Assigned at “journal level” Assigned to journals indexed in Citation Indexes SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) Included in Journal Citation Reports? database Updated annually Helpful when evaluating a journal’s relative importance Not intended to evaluate individual papers/researchers Why Impact Factor? Comparison of scholarly journals Journal collection development in a library Decision-making support for article submission by a researcher Editorial policy development by a journal publisher Problems in SIMPLE comparison of citation counts Size (# of articles published in a year) Frequency (# of issues published in a year) Web of Science? record example What you can tell in Journal Citation Reports? Which journals publish most number of articles? Which journals are most cited in particular disciplines? Which journals have “high impact” in particular disciplines? Which journals publish “hot” topics? Journal’s self-citations Review article rates Cited-citing relationships of journals Recognize skewed nature of citation data Citation distributions are not normal (the typical bell-shaped curve



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