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中医针灸论文文摘阅读 Reading of TCM Abstract on Acupuncture Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks 针灸调节静息联结默认感觉脑网络 原文 – 不分段 – 无结构 按MIAs分段阅读 Read it in MIAs model Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks.针灸调节默认与躯体感觉脑网络的静息状态的连通性 Previous studies have defined low-frequency, spatially consistent networks in resting fMRI data which may reflect functional connectivity. 先前研究已用反映(人脑)功能连通性的fMRI 数据来定义低频空间连续性网络。 We sought to explore how a complex somatosensory stimulation, acupuncture, influences intrinsic connectivity in two of these networks: the default mode network (DMN) and sensorimotor network (SMN). 我们试探索复杂的躯体感觉刺激(针灸)如何影响两种网络的内在连续性:默认状态网络(DMN)和感觉运动网络(SMN)。 We analyzed resting fMRI data taken before and after verum and sham acupuncture. 本文分析真伪针灸之后不同之静息fMRI数据。 Electrocardiography data were used to infer autonomic modulation through measures of heart rate variability (HRV). 心电图数据分析是根据心率变化(HRV)测定推断自主神经调节。 Probabilistic independent component analysis was used to separate resting fMRI data into DMN and SMN components. 利用概率独立元分析把静息fMRI数据分为默认状态网络(DMN)和感觉运动网络(SMN)成分。 Following verum, but not sham, acupuncture there was also increased SMN connectivity with pain-related brain regions (ACC, cerebellum). 在真而非伪针灸后,感觉运动网络(SMN)与疼痛相关脑区(扣带皮层前部与小脑)的连通性增加。 We attribute differences between verum and sham acupuncture to more varied and stronger sensations evoked by verum acupuncture. 我们真伪针灸的差异归纳为真针灸功能引起感觉更强烈,变异更大。 Our results demonstrate for the first time that acupuncture can enhance the post-stimulation spatial extent of resting brain networks to include anti-nociceptive, memory, and affective brain regions. 本研究结果首次显示针灸能提高静息脑网络后刺激空间范围,以诱导抗伤害感受效应、记忆与情感脑区。 This modulation and sympathovagal response may relate to acupuncture analgesia and other potential therapeutic effects.此调节与交感反应可能与针灸镇痛与其它潜在效应相关。 背景:Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks.针灸调节默


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