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情绪状态 Emotional state 青春期是从儿童走向成人的过渡期,意味着孩子将离开父母、家庭的监护,摆脱对成人的依赖,成为独立的个体,是心理“断乳”的关键时期。在这个时期,孩子的精神生活充满矛盾和冲突,处在一种非常不稳定、不平衡的状态中,具有多种情绪问题:有的孩子情绪波动,时而热情豪放,时而郁郁寡欢;有的孩子孤独寂寞,意志消沉,情感脆弱;有的孩子自卑烦恼,多思多虑;有的孩子嫉贤妒能,难以自控;有的孩子过分紧张、焦虑,造成学习困难……家长在关心孩子身体、学习的同时,也要关心孩子的情绪健康。 Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adult, means that the child will leave their parents, family care, get rid of the dependence of the adult, as an independent individual, is a critical period of psychological weaning. During this period, the childs spiritual life is full of contradiction and conflict, in a very unstable, unbalanced state, with a variety of emotional problems: some children mood swings, sometimes passionate, sometimes feel depressed; some children loneliness, depression, emotional vulnerability; some children self-esteem worry, think worry; some children jealous, hard to control; some children too much tension, anxiety, cause learning difficulties...... Parents in the care of children body, learning at the same time, also to care about the childs emotional health. 她有什么了不起,哼! She has nothing, huh! ——如何平复女儿的妒忌心? -- how to soothe her jealousy? 刘倩是某校高一年级的学生,班级里,谁都知道刘倩有个“死对头”——方芳。 Liu Qian is a high school student in the first grade, class, everyone knows that Liu Qian is a Nemesis -- Fang Fang. 方芳是后来转学来的,在她转来之前,刘倩是班里的“一把手”,深得老师和同学的喜爱,可是自打方芳来了以后,热情直爽、能歌善舞,学习成绩也很好的方芳逐渐取代了刘倩的位置,成为班上非常出众的人物。方芳对集体的事儿十分热情,办板报、组织比赛、主持节目等她都抢着去做,成为了老师的得力助手。 Fang Fang was later transferred to, before she turned to Liu Qian, is the class a, won the teachers and students love, but since Fang Fang is coming later, enthusiastic and straightforward, singing and dancing, learning achievement is very good Fang Fang gradually replaced the location of Liu Qian, as the class very outstanding figure. Fang Fang to the collective thing is very enthusiastic, do blackboard newspaper, organizing competitions, hosted the show, she rushed to do, becomes the teachers assistant. 刘倩看着自己的风头被方芳抢了去,心里嫉妒极了,她对自己的好朋友说:“她有什么了不起,哼,看我给她点颜色


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