A PROPOSED SITE MUSEUM ONONDAGA 1684-1696建议加1684-1696遗址博物馆.ppt

A PROPOSED SITE MUSEUM ONONDAGA 1684-1696建议加1684-1696遗址博物馆.ppt

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A PROPOSED SITE MUSEUM ONONDAGA 1684-1696建议加1684-1696遗址博物馆

A PROPOSED SITE MUSEUM: ONONDAGA 1684-1696 BY PROFESSER ETHEL HOFFMAN FINE B. A. Syracuse University, 1957 ABSTRACT OF THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology in the Graduate School of Syracuse University, January, 1962 ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the problem of proposing an Onondaga County site museum devoted to the Iroquois Period. In Central New York the Seventeenth Century is considered as being the Iroquois Period because of an important role played by the Iroquois Confederacy. During that century the Iroquois were known to distant Indian groups, as well as to many nations of Europe, because of the Iroquois wars and the accounts of traders, missionaries, and soldiers. The Iroquois not only represent the culmination of approximately five thousand years of Indian occupation in Central New York, but the constitution of the League of the Five Nations represents the epitome of Woodland Democracy. Onondaga 1684-1696 One aspect of this thesis is to suggest that the last major Iroquois capital city site, Onondaga 1684-1696, could easily be developed into a well co-coordinated site museum program in Onondaga County. This capital site was selected in preference to other existing Iroquois sites because of at least three contributing factors. First, it is close to Syracuse University, where scholars and students could develop it as a research center. Second, because of its proximity with the Onondaga Indian Reservation, it could serve as an ethnological field station, as well as become the first step in the development of an Iroquois Studies Center. Third, because of the proximity of land owned by Onondaga County, a site museum at Onondaga 1684-1696 could have the financial backing, tourist attraction, and community support, which have been exhibited at other county museums. FURTHER ARCHAELOLGICAL EXCAVATIONS In addition to presenting the preliminary finding of the 1957 excavation at On


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