PARADIGM - Welcome to Grossmont College范式——欢迎格罗斯蒙特学院.ppt

PARADIGM - Welcome to Grossmont College范式——欢迎格罗斯蒙特学院.ppt

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PARADIGM - Welcome to Grossmont College范式——欢迎格罗斯蒙特学院

Einstein’s Explanation (1905) Light consists of particles, now known as photons A photon hitting the emitter plate will eject an electron if it has enough energy Each photon has energy: E = hf (same as Planck’s formula) Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize for his work on the photoelectric effect and not his theory of relativity! Double-Slit Experiment to illustrate wave nature of light Double-Slit Experiment with electron gun Electrons behave like waves! Interference Pattern of Electrons Determines the probability of an electron arriving at a certain spot on the screen After many electrons, resembles the inter- ference pattern of light Electron interference pattern after (a) 8 electrons, (b) 270 electrons, (c) 2000 electrons, and (d) 6000 electrons Summary Waves and particles exhibit very different behaviour Yet, light sometimes behaves like particles spectrum of blackbody radiation photoelectric effect And electrons sometimes behave like waves interference pattern of electrons In quantum theory, the distinction between waves and particles is blurred Classical Mechanics → Relativity According to Classical Mechanics: Things which are absolute Things which are relative (independent of motion) (depend on motion) mass, time, length speed of object, speed of light According to Relativity: Speed of light mass, time, length, Speed of object. 1. The Michelson/Morely experiment 2. Albert Einstein (this time by himself) 3. A theoretician, to say the least!! 4. Accept M M, with all its implications. 5. patient, courageous, stubborn…. 6. light bent by very massive objects. Space is “warped” by massive objects. * * * * * “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” 1962 PARADIGM An overall model of a particular problem on which a number of theories are based. Max Planck “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, an


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