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随着我国市场经济的进一步深化,经济结构面临全面调整的转型变化。我国政策性银行处于宏观经济环境、市场需求以及产业结构都发生较大变化的大背景之下。因此,政策性银行都需要进行全面改革转型以适应新的环境,并保证其政策性职能的实现。国外政策性银行的发展有较长的历史,积累了很多可以借鉴的经验。本文尝试比较和研究一些成功转型的国家农业政策性金融机构的具体情况,总结出其转型成功的共有经验以对我国农业政策性银行的改革提供可行的借鉴经验。与国外经过百年发展的政策性金融体系相比,我国政策性金融体系依然存在很多的不足。三大政策性银行成立较晚,市场化进程缓慢,尤其是中国农业发展银行。因为其自身存在的问题,在新形势下其部分职能未能真正发挥作用。因此中国农业发展银行改革转型已经成为必然趋势。政策性银行的改革转型是目前三大政策性银行共同面对的难题,因此,本文的研究不仅对中国农业发展银行的转型有一定的实践意义,对我国其他政策性银行的改革发展也可提供一些借鉴和启示。鉴于农业发展银行改革研究的理论与实践意义,本文采用了历史演绎法、比较分析法、文献研究法以及实证分析与规范性分析相结合的方法进行了研究探索。通过对中国农业发展银行改革转型的全方位具体研究,挖掘目前该行存在的主要问题和经营风险,全面分析中国农业发展银行面临的机遇与挑战,结合国外成功转型的经验最终提出具有一定可行性的四大改革转型建议。关键词:政策性银行 中国农业发展银行 改革转型AbstractAlong with the further deepening of market economy, the economic structure is a comprehensive adjustment, the policy Banks facing macroeconomic environment, the market demand as well as the industrial structure and so on. Great changes have taken place inUnder such background, the policy financial system faces is to conduct a comprehensive reform to ensure the implementation of the policy function.Foreign policy Banks has a long history of development, has accumulated a lot of can draw lessons from the experience.This paper tries to compare and study some typical successful cases, summarizes its successful transformation of experience for the reform of our country agricultural policy bank provides feasible experience for reference.And after one hundred years with foreign policy, compared to the financial system in the development of policy financial system still exists many deficiencies in our country.The three policy Banks set up late, the marketization process is slow, especially the agricultural development bank of China.Because of its existing problems, and some of its functions under the new situation fails to really play a role.So China agriculture development bank reform has become the inevitable trend.Reform of policy Banks transformation is one of the three policy Banks confront difficulties, therefore, the research of this paper not only the transform


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