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4、USCG因ISPS的缺陷滞留船舶的情况介绍 USCG明确了因国际船舶和港口设施安全规则(ISPS)的缺陷而滞留的缺陷情况如下,但不限于此: * 4、USCG因ISPS的缺陷滞留船舶的情况介绍 缺少国际船舶保安证书、短期/临时国际船舶保安证书或证书过期(将会被拒绝进港或驱逐出港)。 缺少经过认可的船舶保安计划或计划不完整(将会被拒绝进港或驱逐出港)。 缺少指定的船舶保安员(船舶将会被延迟操作)。 船舶保安员无法胜任船舶保安的职责(船舶将会被延迟操作)。 船员责任,例如工作能力差,非法人员,船员超编,证书有假等(将会被拒绝进港或驱逐出港)。 * 4、USCG因ISPS的缺陷滞留船舶的情况介绍 6.有证据表明在一个不要求配备认可的港口设施或船舶保安计划的港口或船舶上搭载乘客或装载货物而没有签发保安声明。 7.有证据表明在一个要求配备认可的港口设施或船舶保安计划的港口或船舶上搭载乘客或装货物,而该计划违反了SOLAS 第 XI-2章或ISPS 规则A部分的要求。 8,到港信息不及时或不完整(将会被拒绝进港或驱逐出港)。 9.有证据显示船舶的保安设备、文件或布置存在严重的缺陷。 10.船长或船员不熟悉基本的保安程序。 * 4、USCG因ISPS的缺陷滞留船舶的情况介绍 11.船员无法与负有保安职责的人员建立通讯联系。 12.船舶保安报警系统丢失或不能使用 13.没有在需要时或在各方之间已经过同意时签发保安声明(船舶将会被延迟操作)。 14.有证据显示货物操作保安程序不到位(可能会限制操作) 15.监控措施不力,比如对乘客进出控制和无人照管乘客行李看管不力。 * * List of Question by USCG—Example To the sso What do you do if there is a security breach?or security threat? How does the security alert system work?what happens if the security alert system is activated? What do you do if the port is at a higher security level than the ship? What are the vessel’s restricted areas?how do you restrict access to these areas? Above question may only be asked if the flag state has given permission to review the portion of ssp related to that question * List of Question by USCG—Example To the sso How often is the security equipment calibrated? Ask to see records. How do you coordinate security activities with the port facility? When would you limit shore to ship access to only one access point? How often do you audit security activities?How do you audit a security activity?Ask for an example. Also ask to see records. * List of Question by USCG—Example To the sso Who is the company security officer? Do you have 24/7 contact information for this person? Ask to see information. Do you have any active declaration of security?and with whom? How often do you hold security drills,training,or exercises? When was the last time you conducted a security drill, training session,or exercise? Ask to see associated records. * List of Question by USCG—Example To


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