新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 Wheres my backpack课件 .ppt

新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 Wheres my backpack课件 .ppt

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新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 Wheres my backpack课件 

Unit4 Where’s my backpack? Period 3 SectionB1a-2b This is Tommy’s room. Tommy’s room Homework * By Lu Lili from Yanjiang Middle School Do you want to know more about me? (你们想了解我更多吗?) I like making friends.(交朋友) And I have some foreign(外国的) friends. He is a smart(聪明) but forgetful(健忘的)boy. He likes playing computer games. If you want to make friends with me, you need (需要)to take some challenges first. (和我交朋友需要先接受一些挑战哦) Challenge1 (挑战1) --What’s this? --It’s a / an … -- Where’s the …? -- Is it on / in /under the …? --What’s this? --It’s a / an … -- Where’s the …? -- Is it on / in /under the …? --What are these? --They’re … -- Where’re the …? -- Are they on / in /under the …? Now you have a chance to visit Tommy’s room (现在你有机会参观Tommy的房间了) 让我们一起去参观他的房间吧! I’ll take you to his home. (我带你们去他家吧) a e f c d Challenge2 (挑战2) Who has the best memory(记忆王)? Look at Tommy’s room for one minute ,then close your books and write down as many words as you can remember. Have a competition between boys and girls. I’ll give you two minutes to write the words on the blackboard, you can come to the blackboard one by one. (看Tommy的房间一分钟,然后关书写出图中尽可能多的物品,男女生比赛哦,看看谁的记忆力最好。只有两分钟时间,赶快一个接一个上来哦!) Come on ! Come on !(加油!加油!) Challenge3 (挑战3) Who has the best eyes? (谁的眼力最好) — Where’s the ….? — It’s in / on / under…. Tommy agrees (同意)to make friends with you . But is he at home now? Where’s he now? (Tommy 同意跟我们交朋友了,但是他现在在家吗?他在哪呢?) 2a book pen pencil CDS ruler notebook video tape computer game math book Listen and circle the things Tommy wants from his room.(请圈出Tommy想要的东西) Listening the table video tape on the CDs on the notebook the bed ruler on the dresser math book Places Things 2b under on Listen again and write down where the things are.(再听一遍写出这些 物品的位置) bed bookcase Mom: Hello Tommy: Hi, Mom, I need some things for class this afte



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