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毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: MATLAB实现 摘 要 在求一些函数的定积分时,由于原函数十分复杂难以求出或用初等函数表达,导致积分很难精确求出,只能设法求其近似值,因此能够直接借助牛顿-莱布尼兹公式计算定积分的情形是不多的。数值积分就是解决此类问题的一种行之有效的方法。积分的数值计算是数值分析的一个重要分支本文从数值积分问题的产生出发详细介绍了一些数值积分的重要方法。 本文较详细地介绍了牛顿-科特斯求积公式,以及为了提高积分计算精度的高精度数值积分公式,即龙贝格求积公式和高斯-勒让德求积公式。除了研究这些数值积分算法的理论外,本文还将这些数值积分算法在计算机上通过MATLAB软件编程实现,并通过实例用各种求积公式进行运算,分析比较了各种求积公式的计算误差。 【关键词】 牛顿-科特斯求积公式 高精度求积公式 MATLAB软件 ABSTRACT When the solution of the definite integral of some function values,because the original function is very complex and difficult to find the elementary function expression, the integral is difficult to accurately calculate, only managed to find the approximate value, and the case is small that allows to direct interface with the Newton - Leibniz formula to calculate the definite integral. Numerical integration is an effective method to solve such problems. The numerical integration is an important branch of numerical analysis; therefore, exploring the approximate calculation of the numerical integration method has obvious practical significance. This article departure from the numerical integration problem, described in detail some important numerical integration methods. This paper has introduced detail the Newton - Coates quadrature formula, and in order to improve the calculation accuracy of numerical integration formulas, More precise formulas have Romberg quadrature formulas and the Gauss - Legendre quadrature formula. In addition to the study of these numerical integration algorithm theory, the article also involve what these numerical integration algorithm be programmed by matlab software on the computer, and an example is calculated with a variety of quadrature formulas, finally analysis and comparison to various quadrature formulas calculation error. 【Key words】umerical integration Newton-Cotes quadrature formula High-precision quadrature formula Matlab software 目 录 前 言 1 第一章 牛顿-科特斯求积公式 2 第一节 数值求积公式的构造 2 第二节 复化求积公式 9 第三节 本章小结 12 第二章 高精度数值积分算法 13 第一节 梯形


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