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五年级期中检测题 等级______ 选出画线部分读音与其他两项不同的单词。 ( )1.A.hear B.bear C.dear ( ) 2.A.want B.bag C.back ( ) 3.A.dog B.box C.mother ( ) 4.A.duck B.cute C.hurry ( ) 5.A.argue B.warm C.postcard 读一读,选出不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.yours B.me C.mine D.hers ( ) 2.A.whose B.where C.when D.enough ( ) 3.A.careful B.give C.wear D.argue ( ) 4.A.juice B.wonderful C.good D.beautiful ( ) 5.A.banana B.bottle C.apple D.pear 英汉互译。 1.finish ___________ 2.bottle____________ 3.明信片___________ 4.小时_____________ 5.argue_____________ 6.matter____________ 7.上周日____________ 8.the first thing_________ 9.在绳子上___________ 10.at the weekend__________ 11.分发______________ 12.去超市_______________ 13.make a list__________ 14.拍照_________________ 15.what about___________ 四、按照要求写出单词的适当形式。 1.bought (原形)_____________ 2.those (对应词)___________ 3. kilo (复数)_______________ 4.take (过去式)___________ 5.children (单数)_____________ 6.did (否定式)____________ 7.her (名词性物主代词)________ 8.Amy(所有格)___________ 9.how many (同义词组)_________ 10.swim (ing形式)_______ 五、根据问句选择正确的答语。 ( )1. When did you come back? I came back last Sunday. I’ll come back next Sunday. I went to the park. ( ) 2. How many apples do you want? One bottle, please. Six, please. Yes, please. ( ) 3.Whose sweater is this? It’s mine. My sweater is very beautiful. This is my coat. ( ) 4. Are there enough books? Yes, there is. Yes, there are. Yes, I am. ( ) 5. Where did you go last Sunday? I went to the park. I’ll go to the park next week. I came back last Sunday. ( ) 6. Did you go home by bike? Yes, I did. No, he didn’t. I can dance well. 六、选择正确的答案,将序号填到题前的括号里。 ( )1.What did you do ______ the weekend? A. at B. in C. for ( ) 2. Do you live______ Bei


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