
zn-al-v三元系相平衡的分析-analysis of phase equilibrium of zn - al - v ternary system.docx

zn-al-v三元系相平衡的分析-analysis of phase equilibrium of zn - al - v ternary system.docx

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zn-al-v三元系相平衡的分析-analysis of phase equilibrium of zn - al - v ternary system

AbstractHot-dip galvanizing has been a main method to improve surface quality of products and enhance the corrosion protection of steels. Although the technology of hot-dip galvanizing is relatively mature and has been widely used in industry, the silicon reactivity of silicon containing steel in hot-dip galvanizing still impede its improvement. Now adding alloy elements to zinc bath is a common method to solve the silicon reactivity. At the same time, adding V to zinc bath can inhibit silicon reactivity of some kind of silicon containing steels.The imformation of phase relations of the Zn-Al-V ternary system is helpful to understand the galvanizing process when adding Al and V into zinc bath. In the present work, the 450°C, 600°C and 750°C isothermal sections of Al-V-Zn ternary system have been determined experimentally by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectrometric and X-ray diffraction.For the 450°C isothermal sections of Zn-Al-V ternary system, a new ternary compound named T with 8.2-9.9 at.% V, 12.1-27.4 at.% Zn has been found. The Tphase only equilibrium with Al3V,L-Zn and α-Al phase. Nine three-phase regionshave been determined experimentally in the isothermal section at 450°C, i.e., L-Zn + VZn3 + Al3V, L-Zn + α-Al + T, L-Zn + Al3V + T, α-Al + T + Al3V, Al21V2 + Al45V7+ α-Al, α-Al + Al23V4 + Al3V, Al3V + Al8V5 + VZn3, Al8V5 + VZn3 + α-V, α-V +VZn3 + V4Zn5.For the 600°C isothermal sections of Zn-Al-V ternary system, the T phase, with small composition transformation, still exist at 600°C. But the phase relations have been found to be different from those in the isothermal section at 450°C. The T phase can be equilibrium with Al3V, Al23V4, Al45V7, Al21V2, L-Zn and α-Al at 600°C. Nine three-phase regions have been determined experimentally in the isothermal section at 600°C, i.e., VZn3 + L + Al3V, V4Zn5 + VZn3 + α-V, Al8V5 + VZn3 + α-V, VZn3 + Al3V+ Al8V5, T + L + α-Al, α-Al + T + Al3V, Al3V + Al23V4



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