znal2o4-li4ti5o12系低介微波介质陶瓷的研究-study on zna l2 o4 - li 4ti5 o12 series low dielectric microwave dielectric ceramics.docx
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znal2o4-li4ti5o12系低介微波介质陶瓷的研究-study on zna l2 o4 - li 4ti5 o12 series low dielectric microwave dielectric ceramics
摘要伴随着现代无线通信技术日新月异的进步,微波通讯已逐渐构成现代通信技术最 为重要的组成部分,而微波通讯中信息量的激增也促使通讯设施的工作频率向高端发 展,从而催生了人们对高 Q 值、近零谐振频率温度系数的低介电常数 (?r<10) 材料 的关注。然而,介电常数?r<10 的介质材料一般都有着很大的负谐振频率温度系数 TCf,因而目前没有得到大范围的应用,还需要投入大量的研究力量。本论文以 ZnAl2O4-Li4Ti5O12 (简称 ZALT) 系统作为研究对象,重点研究了组分含量以及工艺条 件对材料微波介电性能的影响。首先,通过固相反应法烧结合成了(1-x)ZnAl2O4-xLi4Ti5O12 陶瓷,并在 1300~ 1500 ℃的温度下烧结 3 小时得到致密的陶瓷。实验表明,Li4Ti5O12 可以促进 ZALT 陶 瓷的烧结。随着 Li4Ti5O12 含量的增多,ZALT 陶瓷的介电常数和 TCf 值逐渐增加,而 Qf 值则是先增加后降低。介电常数随着预烧温度的升高而变大,Qf 值随之先增加后 降低。当含量和预烧温度一定时,随着烧结温度的升高,材料的介电常数和 Qf 值均 逐渐增加。当 x=0.015 时,(1-x)ZnAl2O4-xLi4Ti5O12 材料经 1150 ℃预烧、1500 ℃烧结 后获得最优的综合性能:?r=8.71,Qf=58011 GHz,TCf=-63.54 ppm/℃。对于 ZALT 陶瓷而言,较大的负频率温度系数仍然是其亟需攻克的问题。其次,我们通过添加 CaTiO3 和 SrTiO3 来调节 ZALT 陶瓷的谐振频率温度系数。 随着 MTiO3 (M=Ca, Sr)添加量的增多,材料的介电常数和谐振频率温度系数逐渐增大, 而品质因数则是一个逐渐降低的趋势。结果表明,添加 MTiO3 可以将 ZALT 陶瓷的最 佳烧结温度降低 50 ℃ 。 (1-y)(0.99ZnAl2O4-0.01Li4Ti5O12)-yCaTiO3 (y=0.05) 和 (1-y)(0.995ZnAl2O4-0.005Li4Ti5O12)-ySrTiO3 (y=0.05)材料经 1450 ℃烧结后获得最佳综 合微波介电性能:?r=10.29,Qf=13400 GHz,TCf=+2.6 ppm/℃和?r=7.1,Qf=13117 GHz, TCf=-9.86 ppm/℃。关键词: ZnAl2O4-Li4Ti5O12;微波介质陶瓷;介电性能;低介电常数; 谐振频率温度系数AbstractWith the rapid development of wireless communication, microwave communication has gradually become the most important part of the modern communication technology. Moreover, the fast increase of information carried by microwave technology is forcing the working frequency toward higher band, and subsequently the materials with high Q andlow dielectric constant(?r<10) attract the increasing attention. However, materials with low?r usually have a large negative temperature coefficient of resonant frequency TCf, which confines their wide application, so more research is necessary for a breakthrough in this field. Therefore, the effects of the compositions and processing conditions on microwave dielectric properities of the ZnAl2O4-Li4Ti5O12 (ZALT, in short) were investigated systematically.Firstly, dense (1-x)ZnAl2O4-xLi4Ti5O12 ceramics sintered at 1300~1500 ℃ in air for 3h can be obtained. The research on ZALT ceramics system
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