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本科毕业论文 The Grace and Dignity In The World Of Nihility --- On the Thematic Implication of Hemingway’s A Clean and Well-Lighted Place “虚无”世界里的优雅和尊严---论海明威的《一个干净明亮的地方》的主题 摘要 厄内斯特·海明威,美国小说家,凭借着《老人与海》获得了1953年普利策奖以及1954年诺贝尔文学奖,是“新闻体”小说的创始人。约翰.尼肯迪甚至称海明威为“20世纪最伟大的作家之一”。海明威以其凝练简洁的文字技巧著称。 简单、明了、直接、精确是他的风格特点。而另一个风格是含蓄,他所描写的英雄人物按照一种他称为“压力下的风度”的荣誉准则 短篇小说《一个干净明亮的地方》是海明威的早期作品,是海明威的短篇小说在他风格上的一个代表作,具有典型的海明威风格:文章以虚无思想为主题并大量使用简洁句。 海明威的《一个干净明亮的地方》的主题一个环境干净明亮的咖啡厅里的两个侍者之间的简单对话,海明威虚无一些重复出现的意象, 比如:“一个干净明亮的地方”、“树叶的阴影”、“白兰地”、“虚无”等意象,海明威普遍存在的“虚无”主题, 即在浑浊的社会中,人们需要一个干净明亮的地方来逃避虚无,寻找心灵的安息之所,但象征这个避风港的安息之所咖啡馆也仅仅是暂时的,因为它总有打烊的时候;到最后,人们还是会孤独地回到黑暗中去,面对虚无,体会虚无。 本文论述了主人公老人优雅和尊严”海明威的《一个干净明亮的地方》的主题尽管面对一个人性被异化的现代 “虚无 ”社会,主人公老人展现了重压之下的优雅风度和精神不败的尊严感,而老侍者有坚毅的勇气和深刻的同情心与责任心;他们都表现出了有条不紊、平衡宁静的心态表现了海明威小说世界里的典型的“压力下的优雅和尊严”, 也是对海明威的“冰山原则”的典型诠释。 ABSTRACT Ernest Hemingway, a famous American fiction writer, won Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature with his The Old Man and the Sea. He was also the founder of “journalism”( 吴伟仁1990) John Fitzgerald Kennedy spoke highly of him and even referred to him as “one of the giants of modern literature in twentieth-century” (Kennedy, 1961) Hemingway’s style, with its consistent use of concise, concrete, direct prose and of scenes consisting exclusively of dialogue, gives his novels and short stories a distinctive accessibility that is immediately identifiable with the author. His style is also identifiable with embodiment, that is, each word in his works performs an assigned function in the narrative, which in turn, unfolds his characters’ grace and dignity under pressure. The short story A Clean and Well-lighted Place,an early work of Hemingway, is a typical fiction of nihilism, and it has the typical Hemingway’s style, that is, the fiction focuses the theme of nihilism by using a lot of concise sentences. The thesis in Part One treats the conversation between an old man and two waiters, pointing out that it is a typical short story of nihilism, and it has the t


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