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International economic problems Frank China--------Population Chinese Population Number --- increase progress Population----- China Now,China has a population of about 1400 million The great cardinal number held the back of economic development The quality of naional Although China has a large population, but peoples level of education is generally low compared to the West. Hence this problem is a crucial point to our advancement Aging society and welfare Infrastructure— Traffic congestion Resource-------Japan Japan has a lot of things are import, raw materials, such as food, tea, timber, industrial raw materials. Poor in mineral resources, except coal, zinc and a small amount of storage, the vast majority rely on imports Resources of import copper oil coal bauxite tsunami Earthquake Policy----- North Korea Policy issues. North Korea has always been military-first politics is the army first, so North Korea invested heavily on defense, while South Korea is formed in the seventies in order to forward the economic development model, to achieve an economic takeoff. Military Force Poor economic North Korea per capita GDP is $85 No.185 in the world NO. 1---Luxembourg $104512 卢森堡 NO.85 -- China--- $4283 A North Koreas high-level athletes salary is 12 RMB one month Reform and opening up Vocabulary Cardinal Number 基数 Timber 木材 Bauxite 铝 Nickel 镍 Luxembourg 卢森堡 * Policy Resources Population Restriction Talent market 95.2% coal oil 99.7% 96.4% of natural gas 99.8% copper bauxite 100% nickel ore 100% Rock Phosphate 100% 94.


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