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摘 要 摘 要 学徒制度是一种古老又特殊的经济制度。它在契约、亲缘和地缘的束缚下,由雇主 或师傅指导,在工业实践中对青少年进行技术和经济管理知识培训,并使他们获得从业 资格。学徒制度的内容包括学徒的招收、培养、待遇、满师以及违规行为的处罚。它的 最大特点是集培养、使用、资历于一身。近代北京的学徒制度具有普遍性和典型性,故 本文将研究地点放在近代的北京及京郊地区,通过对近代北京老字号和工厂(工场)的 学徒制度研究,揭示近代普遍存在的学徒制度对传统学徒制度的继承、发展和改造。近 代学徒制度普遍存在于近代工商业企业中,对工商业的影响不可小觑。近代学徒制度不 仅对北京老字号的稳定发展和民族优秀技艺的传承起到至关重要的作用;而且,对近代 资本主义工商业的发展有双刃剑作用。社会舆论和国家法制对近代学徒制度的变迁也有 极大影响。社会舆论自下而上呼吁改革传统学徒制度,并且提出许多有价值的主张;国 家在法制层面力图对近代学徒制度进行一次自上而下的重建。经过晚清和民国近百年的 变迁,近代北京的学徒制度一方面带有浓烈的封建宗法烙印,一方面又让人感到了新时 代的曙光,但是,近代中国最终没有建立统一、规范的学徒制度。 关键词:学徒制度 老字号 工厂 舆论 法制 Abstract Abstract Apprenticeship system is an ancient and unique economic system. The apprenticeship system exist since ancient times to update Whether China or Europe. Apprenticeship system is widespread in modern industry and commerce in the economic system of Chinese. With the limit of the contract, the shackles of genetic and geographical, by the employer or master guide for young people the technical and economic management knowledge training in the industrial practice, The young people obtain qualifications. Recruitment, training, treatment, graduation and punishment of violations are included in Apprenticeship system. Its biggest superiority of Apprenticeship system is the set of training, practice, qualifications. This article will examine the sites on the modern suburb of Beijing. Through the research of time-honored brand in the apprenticeship system, it will announce modern apprenticeship system of traditional apprenticeship system "inherit""development "and “Transformation. "Modern apprenticeship system exists in business and industry, the impact of modern industry and commerce


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