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数据采集器的研究和设计 中文摘要 自动抄表系统的实施,大大降低能源损失,提高企业的经济效益和能源管理水平。具体目标包括:系统应能够排除人为因素,全面、准确、直接、实时监控各种能源信息;系统应为能源的合理调度和成本考核提供决策支持;系统具有事故报警功能,并可提供事故处理方案支持。 自动抄表系统由主站、信道、集中器、采集器、485模块和电能表构成。主信道(上行)采用公用电话网(PSTN),采集器和电能表之间采用屏蔽双绞线(485总线),用于采集电能表数据。 数据采集器在整个抄表系统中占这非常重要的一部分。主要负责对指定仪表进行数据采集和处理,并将数据通过网络汇总到通讯工作站。包括一下几个方面: 1、主站PC将数据查询命令发给数据通讯及处理工作站。收到命令后,发送数据采集命令给相应的现场数据采集设备。 2、现场数据采集设备收到命令后,完成相应仪表数据的采集,并将数据上传给数据通讯及处理工作站。主站PC收到数据后,对数据进行组织完,以相应方式显示。 3、现场数据采集设备按系统设定的采集频度读取现场各仪表数据并进行处理,若有报警信息,即刻将报警信息上传数据通讯及处理工作站。 该系统由于采用了双485总线结构,故数据传输速率高,可靠性高,又因为电能表采用内置式485转换模块,脉冲传输更为可靠[1]。 关键词:采集器,单片机,电能表,通讯协议 Data Acquisition System Research and Design Abstract The implementation of automatic meter reading systems, and greatly reduce energy loss and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises and energy management level. Specific objectives include: systems should be able to remove man-made factors, comprehensive, accurate, direct, real-time monitoring of energy information system for the rational management of energy and cost assessment to provide decision support; accident alarm system is functional, and provide treatment options accident support. Automatic meter reading system from the main station, channel, and concentrate, Collector, 485 modules and a meter. The main channel (uplink) using the public telephone networks (PSTN), the acquisition and use of meter between unshielded twisted pair (485 total Line) will be used to collect meter data. Data acquisition system in the whole of this very important part. Mainly responsible for the designated instrument for data collection and processing, and data communications through the network to workstations summary. Including a few areas: 1,the main station for PC data to the data communication and command and processing workstations Received orders, orders sent to the corresponding data collection field data acquisition equipment. 2, field data acquisition equipmen


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