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undertake的第三人称单数  undertake的第三人称单数:  undertakes  undertake的词组短语:  undertake verb 承担  the undertake 送葬者  to undertake 进行 ; 承接 ; 承做 ; 担负  undertake第三人称单数例句:  1. the company undertakes mechanical work on all types of cars.  该公司承接各类汽车的修理工作。  2. he undertakes a dangerous job.  他从事一项危险的工作.  3. he undertakes a piece of work.  他从事着一项工作.  4. each side undertakes to facilitate the further development of such contacts and exchanges.  双方各自承诺对进一步发展这种联系和交流提供便利.  5. those shares would reflect the risk and diiculty that each person undertakes.  份额必需能反应每个人所承担的风险和困难.  6. the modification of party constitution undertakes below certain history and condition setting.  党章的修改是在一定的历史和国情背景下进行的.  7. if he undertakes anything he always messes it up.  他要是做什么事情就总是把它弄糟.  8. be opposite at the same time certain specious viewpoint undertakes an analysis.  同时对某些似是而非的观点进行分析.  9. function of use square root undertakes direct calibration to dp flow meter.  使用平方根函数对dp流量仪表进行直接校准.  10. today, we check and accept deploy thethe job undertakes the examination.  今天, 我们对检查验收工作进行动员部署.  11. our company undertakes repair on all kinds of electric devices.  我公司承修各种电器.  12. he is just like the scientist who undertakes research on cloning man.  就像一个科学家,他要去研究一个克隆,研究克隆人.  13. accordingly, need undertakes adjustment to the structure of state - owned economy.  因此, 需要对 国有 经济的结构进行调整.  14. our company undertakes first class designing for interior decoration.  本公司承接室内装潢设计业务,设计完美一流.  15. the chinese government undertakes non - use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear countries.  中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器.  undertake的第三人称单数:  undertakes  undertake的词组短语:  undertake verb 承担  the undertake 送葬者  to undertake 进行 ; 承接 ; 承做 ; 担负  undertake第三人称单数例句:  1. the company undertakes mechanical work on all types of cars.  该公司承接各类汽车的修理工作。  2. he undertakes a dangerous job.  他从事一项危险的工作.  3. he undertakes a piece of work.  他从事着一项工作.  4. each side undertakes to facilitate the further development of such contacts and exchanges.  双方各自承诺对进一步发展这种联系和交流提供便利.


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