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surprise的第三人称单数  surprise的第三人称单数:  surprises  surprise的用法:  surprise的用法1:surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实。用于军事上可指袭击,但不表示是否袭击成功。  surprise的用法2:surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。  surprise的用法3:surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”; 后接介词from表示“出其不意使…说了”; 后接介词into表示“出其不意地使人…”; 后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。  surprise第三人称单数例句:  1. no matter where you go in life or how old you get, theres always something new to learn about. after all, life is full of surprises.  不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。  2. there were also surprises in store for me.  也有一些令人吃惊的事在等着我。  3. itsurprises me that you, of all people, should be so foolish.  所有人中偏偏你这样笨, 真使我惊奇.  4. weve had some unpleasant surprises.  我们得到了一些令人不快的意外消息.  5. we have some surprises in store for you.  我们还有些出乎你意料的话[礼物]奉告[奉赠].  6. the story is full of surprises which cause the reader to catch his breath.  这个故事充满惊险情节,使读者紧张得透不过气.  7. one of the most unexpected surprises was my encounter with a race of arachnid creatures.  最意想不到的发现之一是我与一族蜘蛛类生物的相遇。  8. a conspirator is not of the stuff to bear surprises.  谋反者是经不起惊吓的.  9. inside, two surprises awaited him.  他进来后, 有两件事是他没有料到的.  10. the slope designer is unlikely to be faced with unpleasant surprises when the slope is excavated.  边坡设计者不会在开挖边坡时遇到令人吃惊的坏情况.  11. fiona , my dearest, if theres one thing i know, its that love is full of surprises.  费欧娜, 我最亲爱的我只知道一件事, 那就是爱总是充满着惊奇.  12. human nature is well understood, and governments have no surprises for god.  人类的天性是容易理解的, 对上帝来说政府不会带来惊讶.  13. this can result in unpleasant surprises once indian employees are hired.  一旦雇用了印度职员,其不同可能造成出人意料的不愉快.  14. great surprises await you in this frantic fashion frenzy!  在这疯狂的时尚热中,极大的惊喜等待著你.  15. time is coming when i hit a - covered days, also found no surprises.  时间快到的时候我又打了一个雪域天将, 也没有发现惊喜.  surprise的第三人称单数:  surprises  surprise的用法:  surprise的用法1:surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,引申可表示对未做防范的人采取行动或揭露其试图掩盖的事实。用于军事上可指袭击,但不表示是否袭击成功。  surpr


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