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Chapter 3一、 背诵下列单词和短语1. 无辜的人 the innocent 无辜be innocent of (doing) sth. 证实无罪prove his innocence. 2. (有罪的人)the guilty 有罪的be guilty of( doing) sth. 有罪恶感have a sense of guilt. 3. 最近的一起案件 a recent case 最近深圳发生巨大的变化 Great changes have taken place in Shenzhen recently. 4.调查案 look into a case 破案 solve a problem5. 独居 live alone 单独一个人 stay alone/ be alone 孤独 be/feel lonely 一个孤独的老人 a lonely old man 一个荒凉的山村 a lonely village 孤独的老人一个人住在荒凉的村庄里。The lonely old man lives alone in a lonely village. 沿着马路走 walk along/down the street6.用锁锁 lock the door with a lock= use a lock to lock the door7. 一些保险箱 a few safes/ roofs/ proofs 安全的 be safe 带到安全地带 take him to the safety 救命 save his life/save him 安全着落 land on land safely 有把握的说 say sth safely 危险的be dangerous 出于危险好之中 be in danger 恐怖的老虎对我们来说很危险,我们出于危险之中。The frightening tiger is dangerous to us and we are in danger.8. 案件的线索 a clue to the case. 去上学的路the way to school 去法国的旅行 a trip to France 门的钥匙the key to the door 问题的答案 the answer to the question 9. 否认做事 deny doing sth deny that10. 承认做某事 admit doing sth admit that 获准入学 be admitted to school11.质问他 question him questions. 问题的答案 the answer to the question12.认出他 recognize him 慧眼识英才 have a good sense to recognize a good man13. 许多证据 a number of proofs. 证明是无辜的 prove his innocence=prove him to be innocent= prove that he is innocent14. 怀疑嫌疑犯 suspect a suspect 怀疑做某事 suspect him of doing sth.15. 独自做某事 do sth.on his own= do sth by himself= do sth without anyone’s help 拥有 He owns a car. = he has a car= the car belongs to him.= the car is his.= he is the owner of the car.16. 把他们分开 separate them 单独的一个房 a separate room 单独做某事 do sth separately17. 害怕某事 be frightened of doing sth 如此恐怖的老师 such a frightening teacher他们害怕恐怖的老师 They are frightened of such a frightening teacher. The teacher is so frightening that they are frightened of him.18. 犯罪 commit(ted) a crime 一个犯人 a criminal19. 一个有经验的侦探 an experi


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